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Expensive Cables


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BTW Demagnetising copper leaves residues of demagnetised energy in the conduction band and consequently degrades the audio bandwidth. Much better to use naturally demagnetised copper (NDCu) or what is commercially known as........copper.
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I'm probs just being a bit slow but I Thought Copper WASN'T Magnetic ???


Hah! I guess you don't think there's any difference in the sound quality of Teflon insulated speaker cables compared to PVC ones either, do you?

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In all seriousness, guys, I've just plugged my DAT tape into the Bose 802s and it sounds to me like the sine wave isn't symetrical in the power cable. I really do think I need one of these. Just to be sure, can anyone tell me a test that will prove it for definite? Obviously if the waveform needs realigning then I'll just have to take out a loan and bite the bullet.
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Guest lightnix

Personally, I think that anyone who would even consider the use of copper as a means of adequately transmitting an audio signal, should be regarded with suspicion as a cheapskate and too willing to sacrifice quality for the sake of a few measley pounds.


You want proper audio cable? I'll show you proper audio cable...


Click here, then click The Palladium Cables and Price List



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I'm sure that you could check the symetry of your sine wave with any decent oscilloscope, the problem is that you have to make sure all of your test gear was powered via the cable mentioned above to avoid any "colouration of the results" :(


PS. Please remember to allign your test signal source with the the third point of the salt pentagram, and to sacrifice the goat a midnigt using a silver knife whilst burning black candles. This will ensure that the karma of your electrons remains in the correct feng shui zone......


Have I upset enough people yet? :angry:

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Can't be very good if it is only £875, try this instead - http://www.russandrews.com/product.asp?loo...TTXNDYURNGQEEKH


Sorry, linked to their basic substandard version, this is the one you should be after - http://www.russandrews.com/product.asp?loo...TTXNDYURNGQEEKH (don't forget to change the lead length to 2m)

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