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kerry davies

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    kerry davies

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  1. Ah but most of the down force is normally converted into turning moment so the bracket acts as a cantilever. It isn't simple friction and can be seen everywhere such as bike racks on cars held by very flimsy fixings but relying mostly on the weight of the rack and bike to stay put. I have a handle on my grill pan that has no fixing at all and just relies on that cantilever action and I climbed poles with a belt reliant 90% on friction. I used to know the formulae but you young 'uns can Google as well as me.
  2. Given that outdoor events tend to get postponed/cancelled by heavy/steady rainfall it might be seen as gilding the lily to buy costly covers when binbags are quick, lightweight, collapsible and disposable items so I voted for refuse sacks especially as working for councils they seemed to have endless supplies of them for some reason. We did have our Lucas sub blow up in rain one day but it was under a stage with a cover and nobody foresaw the mini tsunami that came down the hill, flooded the understage and resulted in an inch or more of water entering the vent.
  3. Paul brings back happy memories of doing events with a junior school at East Finchley when I stood behind the gentle female teacher/conductor, leaping around making "louder" gestures and leading them astray into enjoying themselves. "Oh you do seem very good at this PA lark" the teachers all remarked at summer festies and winter market gigs for years and not a single kid ever told on me. It was our secret though one of the parents was a BBC newsreader who pretty much guessed that I just pointed some random condenser mics at them.
  4. How much time (money!) have you spent so far on this machine, bits of which look quite aged? Does that amount exceed the cost of a second hand one from Fleabay? Does it not make sense to purchase a cheap like for like replacement and strip the current one for spares? As usual I claim old age and ignorance for these thoughts but ..... ????
  5. Back when I had a real budget the answer came in the form of a Lycian, plenty of which could be altered to left or right handed operation. They also make some very compact units but they ain't cheap. Are they still in existence?
  6. If this is a permanent implant the patient will not be allowed near others until the daily diminishing dose has reduced sufficiently. If it is Low Dose or High Dose the implants will not be in place outside the treatment rooms. If you are still worried have a chat with the unit secretary who will know a lot more than Sennheiser. I asked the oncologist how safe my partner's "Bionic Bumbag" of 96 hours radioactive fluid through her PICC line was and he replied; "Just don't drink it." The survival of a mic or three pales into insignificance.
  7. We used to have square TOA horns which to my less than critical ears were quite acceptable for background music. The "large PA system" at one end raises questions and I would suspect that the previous horns were being cranked up to match that large sound source.
  8. You may not notice much EHO action but the pub already holds a premises licence and when I held a premises licence for a local meadow the EHO/LO was across the event like a rash. The fire officer was more marginally involved but my getting the local brigade to do their exploding chip pan demo and provide their river rescue display ticked all his boxes. Doing community festivals we had fire fighting kit, security barriers, first aid kits and mini versions of everything Glasto has including RA's and event manuals for those with more than about 1,000 attendees. The fire RA is, like all of them, a legal requirement. Even those events funded and equipped by the local council often saw LO and EHO inspections.
  9. Try searching for halogen security lights, there are still plenty around. E2A right now it is just gone 8 pm in our lovely dark skies National Park, there has been an almighty thunderstorm blackening the sky and our automatic streetlights have yet to be triggered. Strikes me you might need lifebelts before lighting.
  10. Since the art of outdoor productions is to start from acceptance of the fact that it must be kept simple or "God The Great LD" will be tempted to provide a showstopping sunset that leaves even the actors gobsmacked I used to use a couple of 300W halogens on tall stands. Switched on before the curtain they had no effect until about 10 pm anyway and "faded in" as the Great LD dimmed the ambient light source. In the UK and even in warmer climes like Spain audiences get cold rather quickly after sunset so it is never going to be dark enough to make fancy lighting remotely noticeable other than in exceptional circumstances like castles, courtyards, enclosed groves etc. Nature can't be competed with which is why we go outdoors in the first place, work with it rather than against. Hippy's idea of flames rather than festoons is a good one and I quite liked those bamboo oil torches in a garden type ambience.
  11. Definitely not a no. In fact my old friends Alistage decking is designed so that it can be stacked just as you suggest. See the second photo HERE. As Stuart says the loading is the key and dynamic human loads are many times worse than static or even rolling loads. Of course the level of expertise of the builder counts for a lot as does the knowledge about cross-bracing, height of leg and a few other things. So you really need to give more detail starting with filling in your profile a bit more, we tend to be more careful in advising students and newbies. Meanwhile, welcome to BR Emily.
  12. Can you actually back project in the venues into which you are touring? No point getting hung up on sheets or shower curtains (my favourite) if you don't have the depth for either.
  13. I bet they didn't video those cable runs for the same reason that Rammstein did. It can be done properly, you just have to pay the right crews the right money.
  14. Another vote for fluoro tubes but you might be better off with several 2 foot fittings rather than 2 X 4 foot ones. We used to use them with drapes quite effectively though it might be worth hiring a couple of each size to try out before you buy.
  15. Like most answers here it begins with "it depends". It depends on length of leg, loading and whether there are any maior lateral forces. I have written here before about doing an advertising shoot for a cardboard factory where we ran a 40 foot artic and trailer across a stage supported by cardboard boxes so it really does depend on lots of factors but for "normal use" I would guess at there being no problem. One BR member was a designer for Steeldeck so if he comes by he may have chapter and verse. It may be James Remo?
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