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the kid

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Everything posted by the kid

  1. From this video at least its an absolute show. https://twitter.com/billydyson_/status/1785810490259538337?t=ShsxZb_bMi3t1unZVHMKQw&s=19
  2. That looks like ladder on some custom feet.
  3. Rental places are the obvious way in, and the bigger ones will have a bit of a programme of work, spend a day in a department.
  4. yeh its a bit puney. they do have a 60w one that looks a bit more like, if anyone remembers the ikea gobo light. Its obviously quite hard to say "it needs to be x" when we dont have a spec for anything. Current solution is a 6k lumen projector which is very sledgehammery.
  5. Not the maddest idea. I think that s4jr might even be too big.
  6. Yeh. kinda want something smaller. MY googlefu is kicking in now and I found this https://www.thomann.de/se/eurolite_led_ip_lp_7_logo_projector.htm but I don't think its gonna be THAT bright. at only 60 quid maybe its worth the gamble and also try the bigger brother
  7. I am looking for possibly an elusive fixture. Needed Bright - think s4 575 / 750 - enough to be seen in a normal lit room small - s4 junior size or smaller - I imagine in a super ideal world a mini s4 image projector - here is the issue, ideally something like a pacific where we could print image and use in the gate OR something like a projector where we could upload some JPG/PNG and project. Inside and possibly outside use, but outside we could maybe solve with another solution. A few times now we have had clients looking for image projector but all of 0 info "I want a image on a wall". Projector is too big or too much, but now its 3 days before the gig and they are still trying to decide what to use and now they cant get the artwork so its too late for gobos.
  8. was just thinking that. Depending how precious you are about looks something like AX3 would be perfect , print a small holder and slot them in job done.
  9. Oddly scrollers 5 years ago or so were still used by whitelight . might be a thing they are interested in as lots of the london shows just keep up what they had, or did. Though now phantom will close I assume most shows are some form of intelligent unit.
  10. The reason I ask JUST mics is amptown have quite a good option of a massive case for all the stands and cables as a "on stage" package. which is MASSIVE but great. They also have some ideas that are mics in what are more like "overhead locker" cases like the larger peli but a flight case. removable trays etc. Im sure 5star or similar in the uk can come up with something if you have issues around the whole customs thing.
  11. and version I have some for my printer that apparently are not the type or size that are correct Dam things seem to be impossible to know what is "right!
  12. It feels like something interspace might do. Maybe depending on your budget.
  13. I would 100% be calling JEM Service. they are great and really useful. I have serviced quite a few, We seem to have an issue with clogs in the element. lots of cleaning should help. You dont have any liquid in the floor of the unit ?
  14. I have been trying to start to implement at work that "if you cant do it send to someone who can" which is easy for a company to say I guess. But we have cables that someone took the end off, or lights that need some lube on. not MAJOR fixes but its still time and effort to fix. Units like yours, is it worth it? In the time you have fixed them all. would you have used them a few times ? would a week fixing mean that you get a year more? half ? Importantly are they missed ? We have some old dimmers and PDU that need breakers fixing, but its been a year, we have lasted without them? Sure. Those 5 stands that need new wedges and feet that have been workshopped for 4 years ? its a few 100 in parts and labour but we never run out of stands.
  15. Maybe they do both. The only Maltbury I have used is 1x2.
  16. maltbury ? has that kinda textile trash packing fabric under that removes tonnes. AND its in metric!
  17. Oh RAL / cullam labs / that whole part of Oxfordshire has sirens all over. On visits its usual to have the safety talk of "fire alarm sounds like a bell, go outside. siren sounds like a siren thats get away from windows and doors and don't go outside. If both go off avoid the smoke, but don't go outside." You say dads army, as if anyone is better. I am not sure if anyone really is. Every building or area in Sweden has a bomb shelter of some form. usually a basement that has been mothballed in to storage. My old place had one to accommodate 60 or 80 I think, about 50m away under the doctors there is one for more. The new builds opposite wont say its a bomb shelter but its not NOT when its a carpark a floor or so underground and fully serviced. There is a massive one thats in Stockholm, I think at any time has to be clearable in weeks and can maintain a fair number of people. Helsinki has a massive network of tunnels. But the whole thing is run on bell wire at best. its all mothballed but maintained in some degree by slightly odd old guys. Even a few years ago before the current situation we were reminded of needing to maintain a storage of items. My old boss was a click under 60 and maintained his family stock hard. a fully cycled setup as I understood. but all this "stuff" existed here also. We had until really not long ago a large number of maintained runways hidden. Large long stretches of roads appeared on main roads roughly a few km long, that also were in woodlands, that absolutely didnt have side roads attached that were roughly a gripen wingspan. But that plan is and was maintained by the territorials. They even practiced a few years back on one of the remaining ones - https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/6777125 .
  18. eh go old school https://www.krisinformation.se/en/finding-help-and-services/emergency-warning if you have the official 112 app you can get local alerts, invariably useless, but one time I got an alarm to a house fire, about 5 mins before the services arrived - thankfully it was a bin fire but still.
  19. What is the camera ? We got some HKvision a while ago, I purchased optional straight drops rather than the L pipe they come with. adding a clamp or getting a fabricator to weld an extension on would be an option
  20. FWIW christie support is great. If you have issues still just give them a shout.
  21. Without being obvious have you looked at used ones at all? I know we have a bunch for sale in various sizes but I think what would be a pallet from Sweden @£300 or so would be not worth it.
  22. I know maltbury would come out to us and sign off on the work, but that was from their plans. I assume they would, along with others, supply a vaguely formal bit of paper for stage. Truss etc I did the 3 day at total rigging YEARS back, far far surpassed anything I was doing at the time, but it made college happy. The issue will be what does the client want ? its all well and good having some paper from a brand, but what if you need b brand? or c?
  23. the kid

    Lighting PAT

    Not just excessive but how much time would be involved ? and people ? ladders ? or tower ? thats 2 or 3 people to bring them down + someone to open up ? heating ? someone to test (I assume you in this case ? ) I was going to post what Tomo said, It's a battle maybe, but its not crazy. We had at college computers that didnt move, yet every year it was being insisted we tested them.
  24. One thing to remember about railings is that having them also means having them Do their job. Your staging company will have railings suitable and strong enough when installed correctly. NO point in having a fall protection that falls apart when you lean against it, or is at such a height it helps you fall. OR allows you to get stuck (there are building guides on how they should be constructed with distances of rails etc etc).
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