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Best moving heads suitable for home nightclub?


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I’d wondered whether Thomann couldn’t do it the same if there were couriers that did this.


They've said they're actively looking into this, but that the short notice between what-is-going-to-happen and this-is-happening meant they're having to treat the UK as they do the majority of the rest of the world are the moment (they do have similar arrangements in place for a handful of countries).


Judging by the speed that UPS deal with our issues, I'd guess it's a minimum of six months before they'll be able to offer an all-in-one price, and of course, by then, all the rules over inspection and enforcement are changing, so the costs to the courier could well go up significantly.

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Please bear in mind a few minor things.

All this is down to the EU implementing what was agreed by the Westminster government. That government has yet to even begin to implement their side of the deal because they are incapable of doing so. The IT systems for customs are years late and don't look like being ready for years while the UK is simply not charging import duties etc.

In under 6 weeks the first "grace period" ends while on first July the second one closes and the UK has not a hope in hell of being ready. This mess is not going to be sorted anytime soon. When KB Events are exporting half their fleet and thus half their jobs it should tell you that things are serious.


Why is anyone even mildly surprised that EU companies are treating the UK like "the rest of the world"? Don't hold your breath, things could well get worse.

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This is our new level playing field that for some reason has been built on top of Mount Everest and which is for some reason on fire at the same time.


Did anyone (apart from the innocents who actually believed the leave charlatans) that it would be any different? The big players will cope the niche players won't bother. It was obvious all the time this was what would happen. The fall out is something half a dozen adults could have sorted out over a decent lunch - the trouble is that politics these days worldwide seems to be a job for those who either can't or won't grow up. (Or in the case of the USA geriatrics.)

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I didn't believe the outcome would be any different, depressingly, but I did have a vain hope that the transition period might be used as a, you know, transition period. We had four years to negotiate, agree and then implement/transition (and that four years didn't have to start when it did, either). As it happened we had nearly four years of faffing and fighting and everything but, leaving us with less than ten days to ratify, implement and live with the consequences (despite being told to 'get ready' for months beforehand by adverts). After the 'whole thing', it's /that/ that I'm angry about.


Sorry, politics.

Edited by pscandrett
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To the OP, my answer is the same as I put in the original thread (and mods, is there any way to combine this with the original thread as it seems daft to have 2?). Your family and friends won't care what lights you have, just something whizzing around to give atmosphere is all that matters, so probably any of them will do the job. And as also mentioned in the original thread you'd do better to sort out mounting them so they cover the areas you want them to point rather than worrying too much about exactly what tilt angles are available. Half the specs will be inaccurate with that anyway.


And in reply to all the off topic chat, I'd agree with the previous post - I could see chaos, but hoped that the transition period may help in preventing it. How naive of me...

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I looked up a UPS tracking number today to see where my "in stock, same day dispatch" capacitors from Farnell were at present as they didn't come with the bulk of the order. Apparently, they are stuck at customs in Belgium. Had no idea that a few pence of caps, that usually turn up next day in an envelope, would even be in Belgium.
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... would even be in Belgium.


Farnell have been shipping some lines from Belgium for several years now.


I think Thomann have been pretty clear with the situation.


But that is Thomann's choice. They could deal with the VAT and duty on all orders if they wanted to. Plenty of suppliers to the UK do, I buy product for manufacturing from the US and China and all my suppliers deal with the VAT and duty up front.

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The way VAT for purchases from USA & china is about to / has already changed. ANY overseas purchase made before 1st Jan was done under EU standardised Vat rules and process's; Now it's under the new system created by UK gov so I would be very surprised if the people you bought from before will still be able to deal with you on the same terms as before as the new system requires ANY business that sells into the UK to specifically register with HMRC and process VAT in a totally new way.
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I think Thomann have been pretty clear with the situation.


But that is Thomann's choice. They could deal with the VAT and duty on all orders if they wanted to. Plenty of suppliers to the UK do, I buy product for manufacturing from the US and China and all my suppliers deal with the VAT and duty up front.


I am far from knowledgeable about VAT, import duties, etc. But you seem to be suggesting that Thomann are just being bloody minded about it which seems unlikely.

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To the OP, my answer is the same as I put in the original thread (and mods, is there any way to combine this with the original thread as it seems daft to have 2?). Your family and friends won't care what lights you have, just something whizzing around to give atmosphere is all that matters, so probably any of them will do the job. And as also mentioned in the original thread you'd do better to sort out mounting them so they cover the areas you want them to point rather than worrying too much about exactly what tilt angles are available. Half the specs will be inaccurate with that anyway.


And in reply to all the off topic chat, I'd agree with the previous post - I could see chaos, but hoped that the transition period may help in preventing it. How naive of me...


I used to work in clubs doing the lighting about 15 years ago so I want something for me that is really decent. It's for my enjoyment really. Everyone has the cheap tacky lights that you can pick up from anywhere for me I will get enjoyment out of having decent lights within my miniature club etc. It's been decided now that I am building an outbuilding that I can do whatever I want with so I will be able to ceiling mount the lights if I wish. :)

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To do this properly you need to go look at this guy's efforts on Facespace...

He's done a cracking job in converting a large barn sized structure at his home into one heck of a movie theatre cum small stage cum bar cum man-cave play-room...

Edward Zarick | Facebook


Most of his posts are in the 'Everything Stage Lighting' group so you may need to join

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Hey all,


Bought a pair of Equinox Midas Spots: https://prolight.co.uk/product/eqled072


They seem really good and feature rich, haven't had chance to play yet but my word they are bright. Will have to dim some of the colours down for small parties. But good to have the extra brightness should I need it. They have 16 bit pan and tilt which I'm told gives smoother movement compared to 8 bit and is particularly noticeable at slower movements.


My question is I've also bought a pair of Equinox Fusion 50 Hex Washes today: https://prolight.co.uk/product/fusion-50-hex-moving-head.


These have 8 bit pan and tilt and whilst I'm told are a good match for my Midas and they will also fit (dimensionally) the application space better which is tight. Someone suggested I should have got the Equinox Fusion 140 which have 16 bit pan and tilt along with PowerCON (same as the Midas) https://prolight.co.uk/product/eqled074


What would you have done? I was originally gonna buy a cheap pair of https://prolight.co.uk/product/fusion-50-mkii but thought they might be too low end.


Worried about my decision now but the Fusion 140s just wouldn't fit, I hope the 16 bit vs the 8 bit movement isn't gonna look rubbish next to my Midas.

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