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Paying To Apply For Jobs?


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Got a call from an industry friend tipping me off regarding someone looking for a TSM. When I phoned the number given I got the reply I had to look on the SJP website for all details. I said that I was registered but don't subscribe for various reasons. He then replied that to apply for the job you had to be a SJP subscriber! I won't mention the company, but I do know they are publically funded, not sure on the legalities of it all yet, but do think it's a bit off!
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I completely disagree with the SJP business model. I think it is exploitative towards new entrants as these are the people most likely to subscribe to gain leads but least likely to be given a job. Most of the desirable jobs are posted on free to view websites as well anyway. I can't think of one possible benefit towards limiting a job to SJP subscribers, unless you want a high proportion of lesser experienced applicatants and those who are easily parted from their money working for you. Personally, this sounds like a scam or someone you don't want to work for as no reasonable employer would limit applications in this way. Could you PM me the employer?
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I've got a subscription to SJP (not that I'm job-hunting or anything, but it's interesting to keep tabs on who's hiring and firing!) - it doesn't cost me a penny, I think that's because I signed up in the very early days and they offered a free subscription to the first however-many hundred people to sign up, or some such thing.


I do agree that charging £20 a month to access a list of jobs, many of which pay well below the national minimum wage (if at all), is a bit of a cheek.

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Hi erroneous black,


I think you deserve an apology. Whoever told you that you can only apply for our job if you are subscribing to SJP was just plain wrong. It would be ludicrous to limit things in that way. We always put jobs up on our website and spread the usual word of mouth too. I'd be happy to send you the details. Sorry you didn't get the right response from the off.

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I also have a dislike for SJP

They scrape adverts from other sources so as to look more appealing for their subscribers and the have the audacity to warn people not to copy info from their site.



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I also have a dislike for SJP

They scrape adverts from other sources so as to look more appealing for their subscribers and the have the audacity to warn people not to copy info from their site.





Now theres an accusation!

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There are plenty of agencies who have good records and the employers seem happy to pay their fees if they find them the right person. As SJP have no idea who their members are, but charge them all - that's a great business model. Hoever, nobody has to sign up with them, and very often Google can use the few words the non paying people can see to find the job, as mentioned.
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Welcome and thanks to Stuartfuelstuart for;

A) joining up just to apologise to erroneous and

B) being honest enough to admit a mistake in his organisation.


We could do with more like him both on BR and in the business. Unfortunately SJP have always struck me as exploitative rather than proactive. Diary services and other agencies don't work like that so why should they?

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I also have a dislike for SJP

They scrape adverts from other sources so as to look more appealing for their subscribers and the have the audacity to warn people not to copy info from their site.





Now theres an accusation!


Couple of years back now but when I last posted an advert in the Stage for technical staff it appeared in SJP without my bidding.


When I have tried using SJP for recruitment I've never found them a bit restrictive and not particuarly helpful.


They certainly used to give half price rates to ABTT and ALD members - I think they still do (I'm sure I'm not paying full price!).


They are offering ABTT members a discount, but I don't think it's 50%

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Hi erroneous black,


I think you deserve an apology. Whoever told you that you can only apply for our job if you are subscribing to SJP was just plain wrong. It would be ludicrous to limit things in that way. We always put jobs up on our website and spread the usual word of mouth too. I'd be happy to send you the details. Sorry you didn't get the right response from the off.


Accepted Stuart, did some more digging and found your site, (most google searches seem to divert to where you are based!). Won't apply as I don't fit the criteria, but thanks again and good luck too you!

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Accepted Stuart, did some more digging and found your site, (most google searches seem to divert to where you are based!).


Ah, the joys of Google's "Universal Search" where the only information that appears to exist anywhere are Maps, Shopping, low quality YouTube videos, News and all the other Google products then wrapped in ads and a couple of token real results of eHow quality (also wrapped in the same ad network. A second bite at the cherry, just in case you dared to actually click on something that isn't a Google property).


It's turned what used to be the actual best search engine into a monopolistic thug that talks about not "being evil" while screwing the bejesus out of everyone and makes us all play their game or go home.


Not to worry though because Google will soon no doubt scrape all job details and serve them right there in the same way it does to a lot of other verticals so you will never have to leave the White Page ever again. Better make sure your website plays along and even it does, you may be forced into taking part in Adwords because the days of actually being found for free in competitive search above the fold are long gone.


It'll take a while for your average punter to wise up, however, so if you run a site you'd better keep playing with the only show in town. Keep on Googlin'

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SJP gives a discount to SMA members as well.


I've never had a job from SJP, had more from the Freelist, but I know people who've employed me have looked at my SJP profile to get more information about me before hiring me!

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