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Olympic fall-out


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so the games are nearly here and no doubt will fly past in the blink of an eye. I'm guessing that a rather massive amount of av kit has been involved; much of it new.

Presumably once the dust has settled, there will be a significant amount of kit going cheap. Anyone know of any planned outlets for such items?

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Presumably once the dust has settled, there will be a significant amount of kit going cheap...


If any kit is to be sold off, it's likely to be through a well publicised auction that attracts considerable interest, and where people pay more than the "professional end user price" for items.

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I'm just guessing here, but for a relatively short-duration event like this, much of the kit that;s involved is most likely hired/leased in anyway, surely?


Admittedly some of the infrastructure items may be purchased, and some may even stay on site at the venues, but on the whole I'd think not.


Of course, I could be wrong....

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There's quite a bit of video kit going to be placed - but much of this will go through the dealers - certainly Sony and Panasonic do this, returning the kit into their normal chains - but it's never cheap enough. memory cards of often included, and a £600 card for £500 doesn't attract much interest, when the new ones have dropped £50 in the interim. Sony and Panasonic usually give the full warranty again.
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MY understanding was that a certain stage company had bought all the kit, and it was on loan for the games. I would assume that the same company may well sell off their older kit and excess of the new electrics.
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Samsung is one of the lead sponsors of the games, I would presume then that they are providing a lot of the AV Equiment, and then would sell off in the clearance and/or stores but for a reduced price (Noting major knocking off).


I would presume that the rest would be hired from such companies as Stage Electrics, and other big names.

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Can I ask you a question, Chris? Will you be selling your kit cheap after the Games?

If not why should any other hire company? They won't flood the market and ruin their own business following a successful hire but following a disaster.


Same with AV kit, why ruin your own business model since it may be new kit but it will all belong to hire companies who do not wish to subsidise their competition. I have known big AV hire companies scrap kit rather than put it out onto the used market, it makes business sense.

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The BBC keeps saying that portaloo companies have invested even more than usual in the run up to this summer, even without glasto. The easiest stuff to see is surely the portable grandstands; I guess the vast majority of the olympic venue seating will be brand new and then sold on after the game - increasing UK stocks to new levels, though it's not impossible it could end up anywhere in the world that uses the same seating.
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so the games are nearly here and no doubt will fly past in the blink of an eye. I'm guessing that a rather massive amount of av kit has been involved; much of it new.

Presumably once the dust has settled, there will be a significant amount of kit going cheap. Anyone know of any planned outlets for such items?

Go Dove, for the actual Olympic disposal.












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Can I ask you a question, Chris? Will you be selling your kit cheap after the Games?

If not why should any other hire company? They won't flood the market and ruin their own business following a successful hire but following a disaster.


Same with AV kit, why ruin your own business model since it may be new kit but it will all belong to hire companies who do not wish to subsidise their competition. I have known big AV hire companies scrap kit rather than put it out onto the used market, it makes business sense.


This is a good point and perhaps we will see lot of aluminium sold for scrap but it's not just hire companies that I'm thinking of. There's a whole load of semi-permanent installs that have gone in (a la Heathrow) which I'm fairly certain will have been bought directly from the manufacturers which are going to be sold afterwards.

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I was just coming on here to post that exact same link - I guess we're both on the same email list...


I have heard rumours of Cheap Chinese LED screens brought for fringe events because the 6 week hire cost was potentially more than the hire. And the kit only has to hold out for 6 weeks, so service support isn't a massive issue. The plan was that these would then be sold on to the market after the event. I'm also hearing rumours of one sponsors kit that **Must** be used for Olympic venues that will possibly get given to a rental company to look after once the large sporting spectacle is over as again the client has no need for these units.


I think the large ceremonies are all covered off from rental stock, IIRC it's PRG (but then I don't think they're allowed to say that are they?), so they'll probably haul kit in from across the world and maybe link with their existing cap ex plans, but that's just a guess.


Knowing most of the AV suppliers around here, no one has any real Olympic work on their books, and doesn't seem to have invested any differently to the other recent years, so I'm not expecting a huge flood of projectors or Plasmas really.

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At a seminar two years ago I asked about the fate of the catering equipment in the various sites (that wasn't in the hands of concessionaires) and got the impression that a lot of it would be dumped on the market - such as it is - pretty quickly.
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I would of thought that anyone who has had to bring in significant amounts of new kit would use most of it after the games and sell on older kit from their hire stock, I'm thinking mostly of lighting but I expect there would be plenty of other examples.


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