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Radio Mic Ch 69/38

Pete Alcock

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I think I missed something - I put my claim in for just enough equipment to be under the limit of £6000, but they've calculated the replacement value as over that amount, so I've now got to try to find all the invoices and receipts - which of course I won't be able to. And - I've got until the deadline of 4th Feb to get the documents together - damn crafty making the deadline so stupidly short!


I've no idea where I'll find this stuff - some is quite a few years ago, and I didn't expect this.

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I know Paul.


Just got the same letter today...

Proof of Ownership Request "The equipment you are claiming for has a replacement value over £6000...."

I had read/thought that the figure was the amount claimed, they obviously are saying it's the amount it would cost replace the gear?!?


Like you, I too will be knackered if this is the case. Except what is an asset register or inventory? Surely that's not proof - I could suddenly start being all officious and make them?


If I had realised this I'd have claimed for different stuff, that I know I have the receipt for, not stuff swapped for hires!



I think I missed something - I put my claim in for just enough equipment to be under the limit of £6000, but they've calculated the replacement value as over that amount, so I've now got to try to find all the invoices and receipts - which of course I won't be able to. And - I've got until the deadline of 4th Feb to get the documents together - damn crafty making the deadline so stupidly short!


I've no idea where I'll find this stuff - some is quite a few years ago, and I didn't expect this.

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I also received the letter and as with Paul found that they are applying the £6000 limit on their replacement cost rather than the rate card. I rang to query why this was happening and was firmly told that the rules were fixed and that I should refer to the original documentation. I really feel that they hid this catch in the "small print " and should have made clear that the figure to be used was not the rate card. Fortunately I think I may be able to find the receipts but really sympathize with anyone who can't. The whole thing stinks. They will collect a fortune from the new users and are not prepared to offer anything for my 2 high spec aerial distribution systems as they are not proprietary items!! and also not to offer the full replacement value. :angry:

Rant over


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I'm glad it's not just me. I've got most of my annual accounts on the laptop - but annoyingly I've not recorded exact models - so the things I'm claiming for (mostly Sennheiser and Trantec 4000s) I'll have to try to find. I've found many possibilities - but radio microphone £425 doesn't really help me - I'm also useless at filing, so get stuff back from the accountant, and never really file it away.


I should have guessed they'd make it as difficult as possible - and now the items I was going to surrender might not be the bits to match the receipts I find! Damn.

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As the equipment you are claiming for has a total replacement value below £6000 you will not need to produce proof of ownership.


Sorry to be the smart-arse but in fairness to Equiniti, every time £6000 has been mentioned in the letters/Q&A/Policy Statement it always has 'total replacement value' before it. This limits you to about 8 Sennheiser G1/G2 100 sets plus a few bits so you had to be very careful when choosing what to submit (and makeing sure you were adding up the right column). I probably spent 3 days to make sure my claim was as near the limit as possible.


I should have guessed they'd make it as difficult as possible

Bit of a bugger for you guys now needing invoices. If you can remember who you got it from perhaps they can reprint you an invoice if it was computer generated??

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Like wise I got the letter yesterday. I have just got off the second telephone converstaion and they agree that if you used the online resady reckoner to calculate you would think it was the right amount. They are coming back to me about that. the revised sum I applied for I thought was about £5.9k and that was deciding to keep back some stuff for "free" work ie fetes etc which can run on Ch70.

Scrabbled around my book keeping and getting there but some things were bought on Ebay and I cant go back that far to print invoices off again

Amazed anyone left it until the deadline to apply. Having said that I went to the AC Tech/Senheiser event and at that time about 150 out of 2000 had applied. I cant imagine there are only 2000 licence holders in the UK!


As the equipment you are claiming for has a total replacement value below £6000 you will not need to produce proof of ownership.


Sorry to be the smart-arse but in fairness to Equiniti, every time £6000 has been mentioned in the letters/Q&A/Policy Statement it always has 'total replacement value' before it. This limits you to about 8 Sennheiser G1/G2 100 sets plus a few bits so you had to be very careful when choosing what to submit (and makeing sure you were adding up the right column). I probably spent 3 days to make sure my claim was as near the limit as possible.


I should have guessed they'd make it as difficult as possible

Bit of a bugger for you guys now needing invoices. If you can remember who you got it from perhaps they can reprint you an invoice if it was computer generated??



I had a conversation back in November before reapplying with Equiniti and at said that I was over the limit. I suggested the steps I should take and re applied. I used their ready reckoner. It only gave one option and that was the one I took. In addition when I first tried to apply the website would not save so the first two time I inputed the data I lost the figures without them going to the site.

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yes we have had a few customers asking for duplicate invoices.


also some have given up with the funding system and purchased new ch 38 kit before any further vat rises and price rises. and we took their old kit in part exchange for same money as the funding scheme was offering.

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Sorry to be the smart-arse but in fairness to Equiniti, every time £6000 has been mentioned in the letters/Q&A/Policy Statement it always has 'total replacement value' before it.


True, but the full wording is actually "Users who make a claim will need to prove to us that they own the equipment for which they want funding unless the total replacement value of their claim falls below £6000." So it mentions "replacement value" and also "value of their claim". Then, as mentioned above, when filing online it very clearly shows you the "value" of your claim.


I too have got bitten by this and will be interested to see how this goes for people without receipts but perhaps other forms of proof of ownwership. I'm lucky in that I don't have to submit my proof until April as I'm not surrendering until later in the year.





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I've always understood it to be as Equiniti say and so do the engineers I know / companies I freelance for. Sorry but maybe you should have checked if you weren't 100% when compensation for your rf stock was at stake!
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I was actually amazed when we submitted our claim online on day 1 of the registration - I'd gone back over 7 or 8 years' accounts files and found invoices for pretty much everything - which was fortunate as we're looking at 14 sets, plus spares.

And yes, our letter was also in the post, so I'll be hunting out where I filed that lot of paperwork sometime this week...

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Encouraging news in the e-mail I'm sure several of you will have had today:

JFMG is pleased to announce that the contract for the licensing of spectrum to the Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) sector has been awarded by Ofcom to JFMG's parent company Arqiva. This decision was made following a tender process and is subject to terms and conditions. As a result, JFMG will be continuing to issue licences for PMSE



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I received the letter today and I also don't have receipts or any idea when bought, so I rang them up and asked if a copy of the page of an asset register/inventory was acceptable (it says it is in their letter. They said 'Yes' as expected, so I then I asked for what year. Stunned silence! then went to ask advice.

Came back and said for the year of purchase, I said that if I knew the year of purchase I could have found the receipts.

I asked if they would accept inventory/asset register for 2008/9, the qualifying year for eligibility for compo.

Went away again and came back after a long wait and agreed to the relevant pages for 2008/9

So now I have just got to find the asset reg/inventory for 2008/9. It's a bit easier ;)


I'm getting the info back to them fast so that they can query it if required and not reject out of hand

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