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    Air guitar backline tech , knitter of electrick string,maker of things louder and occasional bringer of light
  • Full Name
    maddicus hippy

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    Lost in space and time
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    Rizzla origami

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  1. Don't know the ion software.but id look for autofollow or the equivalent. Program it as 2 cues,the first cue snaps to full then the autofollow triggers the next cue to fade down over 3 seconds.
  2. If theirs any of the old microsoft trackballs looking to relocate ,even non working,i can offer them a caring home.
  3. any use? https://www.cp-lighting.co.uk/led-lamps/led-par30
  4. All the "leg swivels" ive used you pull down to turn ,
  5. If im remembering my AC theory correct from many moons ago an inductor and capacitor in parallel will never lose energy,the capacitor discharges into the inductor which discharges into the capacitor,guess the transformer secondary acts as a discharge path thought
  6. if wot you got works why change it? replace the harlings with socas, 5A's fine why change it,only big change i would make is move it all to a flight case with wheels
  7. dont say its license free,just its regulation free ,what country its regulation free also aint mentioned,it could be perfectly fine in outer mongolia.Ofcom still only lists the old 173-175 for the uk. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/manage-your-licence/radiocommunication-licences/pmse/pmse-technical-info/mics-monitors
  8. Run away. If you are successful in getting the budget every time something isnt 101% as every mommy and daddy expect it to be its gonna be your fault.
  9. having xlrs means nothing.The 101's were a passive box and still require an amp to run them.What cedd is refereing to is a speaker with the amp built in.
  10. maybe in the world of glastonbury size events,but the 2 day festy in the field at the back of the local pub certainly dont. About the only thing the license bod is interested in is you wont be disturbing the neighbours
  11. As its outdoors does it need to be lit? theres big multi Kw flood that does a pretty good job and when that gets unplugged,depending on setting flamming torches,candles,hurricane lamps can be used to good effect.
  12. yet again technology putting people out of work,what are the professional page turners to do now?
  13. fit a dummy load ,fire in a test tone,crank the volume and follow the smoke,or as its a dual channel device you could swap components over side to side until the fault changes side.If that dont apeal time to get the test gear out and start testing individual transistors etc.
  14. "vesa scaff mount heavy duty" throws sevral possibility's if diy aint an option,for example
  15. for smaller stuff.scaff arms for the bigger heavier stuff.
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