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Scaff clamps for truss


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Please could some one identify this truss for me. It was fitted less than two years ago in our Community Theatre (aka High School Assembly Hall) by Northern Light as part of the PFI installation. We wish to add some temporary vertical booms using standard scaff bar, but our scaffolder doesn't have any clamps that will fit the truss safely and we need to purchase some suitable ones. I have asked this question of Northern Light, but they don't appear to know what truss they installed just a short time ago. Once the truss is identified I hope we can source some suitable clamps from Flints.


Larger pictures can be found here and here.







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I can't be sure, but looking at the pictures the truss seems to be made of tubes that have a ribbed appearence. That would suggest to me that it is Penn Fabrications truss, who I think are the only people to use that style tube. Further details can be found on the web at http://www.penn-elcom.com. In the UK the range is supplied (and made?) by Gavin Naismith at http://metalworx.com


As others have said the tube is 2" (50.8mm) diameter, and most theatrical suppliers should be able to source clamps to fit it.


Hope this helps



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If you call NL back and speak to contracts dept or manufacturing they should be able to assist you. You might have gone through to the hire dept and they wouldn't know at all as they operate completely seperately. I think Neil would be your contact in contracts and Simon would be in manufacturing.



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CPC sell them as well, ....


Thanks to all. I just found them in one of CPCs flyers for £14.50 (ST0094306) which is a £5 reduction on the catalogue price. I need to get a move on as the offer closes in 5 days.

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Moderation: We were going to close this as the OP has mentioned he's now happy - BUT, what was the truss, just for information, I'd like to find out what it was. Penn seems likely, but before comitting this to memory, can we find out what is was?
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I'd also be interested to know, as our local venue is identical (yes, identical!) to the one described in the original post. Built at the same time, by the same building company, with the same lighting/sound contractors, using the same spec. And both venues have exactly the same faults and deficiencies!
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Bruce, if your truss is the same as what appears to be in Boatman's Photograph...


and has (from memory) ...


a 250mm square section,

ribbed main chords,

Bracing down the sides with a 500mm /\ pattern.

Plastic cups in the ends of the chords with plastic egg shaped ribbed locators inside the cups

5 holes in each of the welded ends at the nodes of an X for bolts to connect each section to each other. (normally with nothing in the central hole)


Then I would suspect it is Penn/Metalworx ST25 truss.


Incidentally, if anyone else is reading this thread, we use a lot of ST25 and SST25 Truss, and are always on the lookout for anyone in our area who also stocks it for the rare occasions when we need to hire the odd extra bit in or so.





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Well, some good news and some bad news. As suggested by QMU, I contacted Neil at NL and he told me that the truss comes from Metalworx, but insisted that it was 48mm diameter tube; which it definitely isn't. I have emailed Metalworx with one of the pictures above and asked them for an identification. I'll post the answer here when it comes.
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To conclude, I have spoken to Gavin at Metalworx and, as suggested by Glynn, it is indeed Penn Fabrications ST25 range. Gavin also told me that Metalworx have their own range of truss clamps which are even cheaper than the CPC ones. Unfortunately, by the time offshore carriage is added they are no longer competitive for me. Gavin also told me that a company called Aliscaff (sp?) in London manufacture a clamp which is designed for 51mm tube at one end and 49mm at the other. I haven't found these yet but I'm still looking.
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