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Dumb question time


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Dumb question time so apologies in advance.

Its a long story so will cut to the chase. I have got an Alto Zmx52 mixer and an Alto zmx862 mixer. The power requirements are the same but the smaller zmx52 says 500 milliamp whereas the zmx862 says 1000 milliamp. Question is will the power supply from the zmx 862 (1000 ma) run both mixers?

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No to elaborate on the story I would only run one mixer at a time. Truth is I have broken the power supply for the zmx52 and needed a working mixer quicktime. So I bought a new mixer ( I upgraded a bit also due to the 862 having 2 xlr mic inputs whereas the zmx52 only has one.) I am djing at a school prom tomorrow night so did not have the luxury of time to get another power supply. Was thinking if in the short term the power supply would do for them both then in the event of a mixer catastrophe I could just swop the mixer out..I do intend to buy another power supply for the zmx52 so was thinking if I bought a 1000ma one it would act as a spare that would power both mixer types.
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Yes as discussed the 1000mA supply will do either of the mixers.


So as per your plan, I too would replace the lower powered 500mA with a second 1000mA, so you have a spare which will do both mixers.


What you find on some equipment is a mA rating which tells you what the actual current the equipment pulls at full power, others simply inform what rating power supply should be used, in this case the equipment probably pulls a good deal less than than the power supply can supply . It is much better to run a piece of 500mA equipment from a 1000mA power supply as the power supply is only working half as much as it can.

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. It is much better to run a piece of 500mA equipment from a 1000mA power supply as the power supply is only working half as much as it can

then again if the regulation is iffy you may find the voltage starts to rise if your not pulling enough current

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