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I am completely new to this. My main interest is in photographically documenting the squat party scene. Not that I am a great photographer, it's just something I enjoy doing. Taking photographs in a pitch black warehouse is quite a challenge. What I would like to do is to learn about lighting so I can brighten up my surroundings. Starting from absolute zero and anyone offer any recommendations regarding books and courses and how to approach this.

Many thanks.

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Moderation: Just a quick add on to explain that the OP has let the mods know he is actually taking these pictures in a club.


I think I completely missed the squat party scene - having no idea what this is.


I think before we can answer perhaps you need to explain what exactly is going on - you mention a pitch black warehouse?


It does occur to me that there are two main types of photography lighting technique - continuous lighting, where me may be able to help, or flash. One problem of old is that if you light activities that normally take place in dim, dark or no light conditions, you can wreck the atmosphere?


So Brian's questions about budget and power make sense, but also we need to know about everything - even things like hanging equipment, and of course - what is already there you may be able to press into service.


Please keep in mind we are not a photography forum, so our responses will be based on our aims as 'non-reality' events and theatrical people. We do sometimes get lighting queries for movie/video, and even that area has quite different aims to ours - lots of similarities but huge differences.

So ........ lots more info please - assume we know nothing about your project. Tell us what you really want to be doing. Sounds a bit weird to me, so give us a clue.

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Just a quick add on to explain that the OP has let the mods know he is actually taking these pictures in a club.


I think I completely missed the squat party scene - having no idea what this is.





So unless this is some kind of journalism not something that we should be encouraging.

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The search function is your bestest friend. Just below your name, type "technical lighting books" or any combination of similar words and umpteen threads will be thrown up with years of discussions on what are the favourites. It is far more likely that something on Rock Concert Photography would be more helpful to you.


Squat parties? Hmmm?

We tend to do things legally and with licences, but then it is your career and record that is at risk. I have been around the scene for too long to be innocent about the methods of funding these things.

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Get a decent DSLR, and a decent lens that will open to at least f1.8 or better still f1.4. Set your camera to ISO1600 or ISO3200 and aperture priority. You should be able to take photos in very low light levels without the need for a flash or extra lighting.


To get low noise shots at those sorts of ISO will require more than just a "decent" DSLR, it really needs pro equipment. I've seen some pictures taken on a friend's Nikon D3 at 3200 in a dark club, and they really are pretty noisy. The current batch of pro cameras (e.g. the ubiquitous Canon's EOS 1Dx and EOS 5D Mk III and Nikon D4) are improving all the time, but you're going to get some noise at high ISO. Essentially, you're turning up the gain, so any "hiss" gets exaggerated.


Large aperture good quality long lenses aren't going to be cheap, either, although medium length fast good lenses aren't too frightening.



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I found that video quite offensive. There are so many small organisations with little or no money that would love that kit and treat it as manna from heaven yet the court orders its destruction. This only adds to the original crime and serves no useful purpose. Much better that it be given to charity.
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Oh come on - offensive. It's a deterrent. Somebody paid for it, somebody could have hired it - but it reinforces the fact that breaking the law isn't just a fine - same thing with cars. No insurance, get your car crushed. Plenty of people would love a nice car to go to the shops with, or take their disabled relative to the day centre. Sure - they're good causes, but who would decide which one got the kit? However it was decided it would be unfair to somebody - and of course the equipment is owned by somebody. Destruction on the order of a court is one thing, but I'm not even sure a court could give ownership to a third party? Is that actually a legal power? I don't think so.


They destroyed some PA - good call! Maybe the owners will think twice before doing it again.

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