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Hands up all those who saw that video and thought to themselves "I wouldn't have destroyed it like that"?


Me, I'm afraid.


The only thing missing was some form of shanty or rail gang song. The sledgehammer routine is obviously just put together for the film as the techniques demonstrated have to be the least efficient possible when it comes to smashing up a rack like that. But at least the film does what it is supposed to which is to deter.

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I thought siezed goods of any value usually go to auction, after the investigation / conviction is complete. Perhaps that varies from one constabulary to another, although I doubt an £80k car taken from a drug dealer would be smashed up!


Although in the example in question, it can be no bad thing to deter smackheads that believe it's acceptable to trespass on others' land, break into disused buildings, steal power, make noise and leave an expensive mess for the owner to pick up. Clearly that's the message in this video.

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Here in Kiwiland we do what the UK certainly used to do, the seized goods go to auction.


There is now an exemption for "boy racer" cars; eventually it twigged that there was a collection of vehicles that were going through a circle of being seized, sold at action to another boy racer, cycle repeats, so they instituted a "crush the car" provision. Which has been used at least once; the appropriate minister gleefully jumping on the crushed vehicle.


It's very easy to get sound gear seized temporarily here: first noise complaint man from council turns up, tells you to knock it on the head, and hands over a bit of paper. Have a second complaint in close proximaty and council staff (defended by plod) can turn up with van and confiscate your boom box / line array. They hold onto it for a bit, and then you can pay to have it back. Eventually it'll go to auction too...

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Fish323, you take pretty good photos already from what I've seen, so keep doing what you're doing.


I'm not clear quite what you're asking, whether it's how do you as a photographer light the subject(s), or lighting the environment. They are both different things, and usually the latter will be covered by the rig/lighting guy, so you need to be careful about how you might be intruding on what someone else is doing.


Surely there is more than enough ambient/throwback light off the decor at the sort of events you attend to get good shots?


In my opinion, alot of the atmosphere in photos from these sorts of events comes from the stark contrasts between blacks and bright lights/lasers, and what you can't see, as much as what you can.

I collect shots of a lot of my work where I can, and I must say that some of the great shots didn't have any additional lighting, but the photographer clearly knew what he was doing, and got detail and light where there was little, with minimal graininess from high ISO



And also, as someone intimated above, walking around with a fancy camera and bright light might simply have you marked as "OB" (to use Squatjuice parlance...), not to mention 'ruining peoples buzz'...

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He came back to look at his post after two hours on Christmas Day - and hasn't been back since, I suspect he's long gone - and perhaps can't even remember which forum he posted the request on! I suspect we're wasting our time on this one.


Oddly - he only seems to have posted here, yet http://www.dj-supplies.co.uk seems to have picked up our thread and links back to us?

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  • 2 weeks later...

He came back to look at his post after two hours on Christmas Day - and hasn't been back since, I suspect he's long gone - and perhaps can't even remember which forum he posted the request on! I suspect we're wasting our time on this one.


Oddly - he only seems to have posted here, yet http://www.dj-supplies.co.uk seems to have picked up our thread and links back to us?



The reason I didn't come back was because the one of mods spiked my thread. He then reinstated it after I complained. However, I didn't know this until Adam Norton commented on some photos I had linked in facebook so I came to have a look.

Just to clarify:

I have the camera kit and I have a pretty good grasp of how to use it.

william Heron

However, I am often disappointed when I go out to parties with the lack of effort put in with the lighting and decor. Both the lack of lighting and then the massive dynamic range within shots makes taking good photos very difficult so I thought I could learn about lighting and then light clubs and squats to make the photography simpler. Not only that I might make a few quid doing something I actually enjoy. Don't be scared of the squat scene it is often highly professional and very safe. I'm going out with Pete from Planet Angel in Feb to get some idea of what's involved. If anyone else needs an honest, reliable, slave who will be able to photo and show off you work in a good light (no pun intended) don't hesitate to get in touch.


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That is a name I haven't heard for years. If you had told us that Pete was involved then the legal worries would have been less to the fore. My earlier post still stands, use the search function just below your name and avatar for book suggestions.


There is also a website called Digital Photography School that has tips on various types of concert photography which has basic stuff on a few frequent questions topics. In fact Googling "concert photography tips" brings up a few sites that may or may not help. 2,270,000 of them apparently!

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I don't mean to go OT, but some of those photo's (in particular the first few on your Photostream) are stunning! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


Cheers for the comments. The photo service is free if you want me to take photos at your party/club. Obviously the quality of the photos depends on how good the lighting and decor are, hence this thread. All I ask in return is free entry for me and my gf. I'm based in London but we'll travel if it is for a festival and it will be over a few days.

Please if you're going to drag us half way across England for a festival, please remember this costs me money so don't leave us standing in the pissing rain when we get there. It cost me £250 (in train tickets, taxi, tube and hotel) last year when a promoter asked me to do photos at a festival then left us standing at the gate in the pissing rain as he refused to tell them it was ok to let us in. Then my gf blamed me and wouldn't speak to me for 3 days afterwards :(

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Excellent lighting and decor make it easy to take good photos :)

As I said on FB, I've always thought your shots are great. You made my lasers and the decor look fantastic from the weekend ;) (the first few shots in the Flickr link above)

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