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PLASA2011 should I free up 4 days?

Keeper of the Keys

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This year it seems I will have the time to go to PLASA 2011, so far I have never been to PLASA, I have been to Pro Light & Sound in Frankfurt before, but was only able to be there for 2 days of the 4.

With PLASA it is very likely that I can go for all 4 days, although I will likely lose some of Sunday if I fly in.


So my question to those who have visited PLASA before, with PL&S 2 days seemed to be a bit short because I was also attending lectures, product demos, etc. for PLASA I have been unable to find a lecture schedule (if there is such a thing) does PLASA have enough to fill my 4 days or am I going to find myself going to other London attractions because I've seen everything at PLASA (also not such a bad idea, but I'd just like to know how much of an effort I should make to have the full 4 days or not).


Thanks for your input.

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Depends what you want to see really. I am going to catch up with people I rareley see and get some info from a few manufacturers. Ill be there all 4 days, but mainly to network. I say the longer the better, you never know who you might bump into and one overun of a meeting can screw your days schedule and mean you have to catch people at different times. I make a list of who/what to see each day to try and structure it a little. Then allow a few hours for general wondering and exploring things that were not on the list.



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On the PLASA 2011 website, go to the 'Education' tab - that's where you'll find the seminar list for each day. I go to check out a smallish selection of products appropriate to my business, and I find one day plenty; but it all depends on what you want to achieve! Some of the seminars need advance booking.
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IMO one day is fine if you have a targeted list of stalls and products to see. If you have lectures, seminars and people to meet then several days are needed. An hour spent with a show guide will let you plan a route to all the interesting stalls, but nothing will guide you to all the contacts you can make and renew as and when you meet people.


As you are flying in then make it worth the fare and plan to take in all you can.

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IMO, the PLASA London show is getting more interesting and varied each year, tons of potentially interesting seminars, the rigging conference, more stands and other areas as well as the usual places to catch up with long lost mates/go to evening dos etc. I used to try to cram it all into a day, travel early, back late and still left feeling like I'd not even seen all the products, those I knew about and those I didn't. And not get to go to any of the educational stuff because there wasn't time.


Now I do for the 4 days, travel at a sensible hour on Sunday, take it easy and leave after lunch on Wednesday having really had time to take it all in and the opportunity to go to whichever seminars I fancied, regardless of the day. I've never got bored enough to go off shopping or sightseeing, but London's not exactly short on things to do.


If you have the time and inclination, I would go for longer.

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I beat my record last year, in saw what I wanted and out in 3 hours. I can't even imagine doing two days, although the idea of do the seminars has never been on my list of things to do. I can't afford to spend even two days as the train fares and food are so expensive. Being unavailable to work costs me too much for more than one day to balance out.
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For someone flying in then two days seems best, obviously avoiding student Sunday. This isn't a dig at young people but having been on stands at PLASA several times now the mood of exhibitors is definitely less amenable when students are around.


Visit the show and see what you want to on the first day and set up meets for day two. Some of the seminars are well worth attending though I have to say I have never booked in for one and yet have attended several.

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I beat my record last year, in saw what I wanted and out in 3 hours. I can't even imagine doing two days, although the idea of do the seminars has never been on my list of things to do. I can't afford to spend even two days as the train fares and food are so expensive. Being unavailable to work costs me too much for more than one day to balance out.



I don't think I can imagine more than a day. I get there at about 10 and by 3 ish I have see what I want to see.


In the last few years I have tried to get a seminar in, and this year I do want to get in a LED thing party for work partly for sheer interest.

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