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Lighting stands...


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Well, the topic pretty much says it all.


I'm looking at getting in a couple of decent quality LX braced stands for the occasional use in and out of the venue. Manfrottos with wind-up poles would be an ideal top-end for me, but at around £350 each is a tad over what I'd be able to get budget for.


However, as they're not used day in day out, I'm happy to look at any alternative options those of you with actual life experience might have.


It's been a LONG time since I've looked at anything in the stand market, so am more than willing to consider suggestions I may not have previously heard of.

Needless to say that I'm NOT interested in the Deejay Dave cheapie models, or in most of what Fleabay has to offer.

They need to be pukka, sturdy stands with a spigot clamp so I can slap a square T-bar or a half-coupler in to support a scaff barrel. Max height I'd say would be around 4 to 5 metres extended. Doesn't HAVE to be wind-up, but would be nice, though I suspect that may be the reason that option is over budget.


Budget - probably between £150 to £200 max each hopefully.

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Hi Tony,


I've got a couple of the American DJ (bear with me on this) wind up stands.




I've had them for about 9 months now and they've stood up (sorry) to the light-medium usage that I've given them. They usually only support 4x Par56 and 4x LED56 on each for what I use them for but I've had double that on there and not had a problem with using them at full extension. I've not got the TV adaptor as listed above but I thought that it'd be helpful to link to the one that includes it.



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Must admit the name Powerdrive has sparked memories... :)

Question - how stable are these when at full extension? With the bases relatively short they do look a tad as though they'd be liable to more sway.

the thing I like of course with the manfrottos is that their bases are pretty much as long as the main body of the base tubes, thus giving more stability...

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I usually hang two Preludes or four Minims from a 1m scaff bar on each and they are fine. The legs don't spread as far as the more expensive stands, but they are good value for money. Depending on what you are doing with them, Brian's suggestion of the three section ones might be more appropriate.
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Must admit the name Powerdrive has sparked memories... :)

Question - how stable are these when at full extension? With the bases relatively short they do look a tad as though they'd be liable to more sway.


Having seen one fall over when only loaded with some cheap Pulsar floods and a small dimmer pack, admittedly at full height, they bring back memories for me too. It frightened me to death and I noticed afterward that some of the dealers had ceased to list them in favour of Doughty. I pass that on without comment...

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... some of the dealers had ceased to list them in favour of Doughty. I pass that on without comment...

The stability of a stand, of course, has nothing to do with who makes it. It's simply a product of the height vs base diameter vs centre of gravity vs weight distribution vs .....

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Another vote for powerdfrive,we use there winch stands ,not had any preoblems yet.


When I said I passed it on without comment that is precisely what I meant. I too continued to use them but was extremely careful to check them regularly when in use. My view then was and still is that some stands do not really have a big enough footprint for the maximum claimed height and at their limits they should be used with caution, and preferably weighted too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
As a production company with a mixture of doughty, powerdrive and mobiltech stands I favour mibiltech for their stability and engineering and relative pricing. The powerdrives are fine but I would agree with other comments about the lack of base area once you start to get up to much height.
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