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complaining neighbours... yep that one


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Yes but then they would most likely complain about the cows moo-ing through the night & the noise of combines in the summer!


OT, but I lived 18 years or so in a picturesque Bedfordshire village. The first thing the newbies would complain about was the manure smells when they were fertilising in the spring--but then in the late summer haying season when the mowers would be going all daylight hours and into dusk, at least one family decided country life wasn't for them!



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It was 8:20 as I watched it when I got back, and as a venue owner in Digbeth was saying, "its one person who has compained so much since moving in".


The main "headline" was "should people who move in have such a massive influence on long standing venues"

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Just watched the piece on iPlayer. This once again goes to show that council's are a law unto themselves who make up rules as they go along and choose what to take into account and what to ignore depending on personal/monitary motivations.


There needs to be much stronger accountibility within councils with much clearer rules and regs that everybody must play by!



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It will very much depend on the attitude of the licensing authority. From an EHO perspective, the complainer has to prove statutory noise nuisance in most cases. This is not well defined but some councils have guidance on their websites as to things they would consider to constitute this.


Unfortunately, Licensed premises can have action taken under the licensing objective of 'prevention of public nuisance', which means that statutory nuisance need not be proved. It will therefore very much depend on the approach of the LA licensing team and it's worth a conversation with them.


We once had a complaint from our venue neighbours (who complained about lots of things, including us unloading a truck in our own drive in the middle of the day) to the local council when we placed a show band in a different room for a week, which meant they could 'hear the drums in their living room'. We took noise measurements in our adjoining driveway next to their house at various points, including the loud bits of the music. We also measured the noise of the trains going by on a bridge half a mile down the road - guess which was louder? The local EHO did call me, and we gave him the readings and said we had taken what leakage reduction measures were practical and it would only last a week anyway - they really weren't very bothered.


Some further guidance available Here



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This once again goes to show that council's are a law unto themselves who make up rules as they go along and choose what to take into account and what to ignore depending on personal/monitary motivations.

sounds like the goverbent at the moment

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from the linked artical

One Digbeth resident, Mark Wood, said he was only getting about four hours of sleep a night because of noise in the area "At one point it was interrupting my job

so you moved to a city center location for piece and quiet, didn't you bother thinking that being a city center that it might be a little bit lively, and what about the people whos jobs are at risk because of NIMBY twots like you?

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I hadn't had time to read the article and thus didn't know it was about the rainbow (and it's attached rainbow warehouse).

Digbeth for those who aren't Midlands based is an odd mix of an area, largely industrial during the day, largely the more interesting and arty end of entertainments at night. It's not competing with broadstreet (Birmingham's "Conventional" mile of pubs, clubs and venue's) events around digbeth tend to be less well known artists. I used to work regularly in the rainbow warehouse and the acts there vary from interestingly and enjoyable weird (in a jazzy \ hip hop \ gypsy way) acts like http://thedestroyers.co.uk/ through to EBM acts (Deviant UK) and lots and lots of variations on the theme of dance. Some of the best gigs I've been to where at the spotted dog (also mentioned in the article) where the bands again tend to be varied and interesting rather than all one genre. The area was historically the centre of Birmingham's Irish community and this is also reflected in the pubs.


In short it's not a quiet area at night, any night of the week, Nor has it ever been as far as I can ascertain for many years. Certainly all the pubs (and in most cases their late licences as well) pre-date the new block of apartments aimed at yuppies which is were all the problems stem from. In a common theme with other people's experiences on here most of the complaints are from one person, and that despite developers putting notes though people's doors asking them to complain.


Really the point of this rant is that Birmingham would be much poorer culturally without the many venue's Digbeth has (of which I've barely scratched the surface - the custard factory is another very well known one) and that further more they were there first.

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Again this is a little off the original topic, but looking at the linked article, I see references made to levels of 30-40 decibels, sometimes even 47 decibels. What scale were these measured with, and with reference to what, exactly?
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Again off topic

We moved into my parents house and our 85 year old neighbours play the piano.

We knew about this problem because they have done so all my life, as a teenager I just sat in my bedroom and played music never really paid a lot of attention to the noise.

my parents both deaf never had any problem in latter life as they couldn't hear it.

but when We moved in with our young family it seemed like hell on earth they played untill 10pm


we complained to the council as a quiet word went unnoticed.

we must have been the laughing stock of the council and you can imagine the paper headlines if it went to court.


"Local club dj in noise row with his oap neighbours playing piano"


anyhow the council decided that 10pm was too late but they should be allowed to play still but finish earlier.

so now they play radomly from 8am -8pm the style of music is not clasified as a nusance as such because of its style.

but they now play to spite us ie 8am on a sat and sunday as they know I work nights.

and as soon as I get in from work at the office around 6pm untill 8pm ish just as we sit down for dinner with the children

you can actually hear the music note for note over our tv it has caused many family rows and we are now on our second noise complaint about it.


the problem is the council say "everyone is entitled to enjoy there home and undertake hobbies etc without causing a disturbance to others but because he plays piano for a local church they say he should be allowed to practise.


so would the same argument work I play music for local youth groups schools etc and numerous night clubs would it be ok for me to practise my scratching to drum and bass music or my karaoke singing (I can't sing) ????


the answer would be no because my music would be seen to worse than his classical piano


but a noise problem is a noise problem however caused if this complaint does'nt work im going tit for tat


but why should I

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