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Stage Blacks

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Hey there am looking to buy some new stage blacks for the upcoming college year and am wondering is there a popular make that is kinda an industry standard. My last lot was just a black top and jeans from primark not the greatest :angry:
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just a black top and jeans from primark not the greatest :angry:


Fruit of the Loom? :D


Hardly 'top of the range' gear... but since when did anyone care? I would've thought by the age of 16 or 17 you'd be comfortable wearing unbranded gear. From that comment I must assume you are not, or else you have some very materialistic chums.


Your best bet? Charity shops. Spend some money on some comfortable steelies, but put the money you save towards that new pair of Air Max trainers all your mates have.

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Guest lightnix

Primark's as good as any TBH. There's no point in getting all hip and trendy about stage blacks, because they a) probably won't last long and b) won't be seen by many people, what with it being dark and all that.


I used to practically live 24/7/365 in a pair of black joggers and t-shirt. It never much bothered me where they came from, as long as they didn't cost more than £12-15 in total. Some people prefer combats to joggers, for the extra pockets.


If you want something that's really going to last, though, have a Google for Zimmermannshose - those German work trousers with two zips. I used to have a pair, until I put on too much weight and threw them away - a decision I've come to regret since then, having lost all that weight again and then some. Oh well...


PS - If you do go Zimmermann, mit Schlag means "with flares" AFAIK - so buy ohne Schlag, unless you prefer the hippy look :angry:

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I am SURE there has been this question before and TBH. If its black and cheep - buy it. It will only get dirty, painty, holey.


Mackays/M&co do some really nice ones for a pretty good price £5 on their website.


As for trousers I got mine of a German surplus supplier on ebay and they are fantastic. I do also have a pair of Swedish trousers that I like because of the floppy pockets on the outside. Like a work belt but built in.

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After a few washes, black becomes grey - so anything expensive is pretty pointless - and you wreck them with spills and general grim, let alone plucking them on stray screws and nails.


I prefer rugby tops to T-shirts, but couldn't care less what make they are. A black top with paint on it looks the same in any light! Mind you last year I had an asm who complained that wearing black was so drab. However, I said tough - black trousers and black top - no argueing. Next night he had black bottom, black top and a bright pink feather boa!

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for everyday use I just go with black tshirt and jeans from primark. that way its so cheap I really don't care about paint, rips, tears ect ect.


for something more hard-wearing, practical, and comfortable, I have recently bought a nice pair of combats (around the £30 mark, so not unreasonable!) from my local army surplus. did take some finding though!

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Another vote for Primark here.

They have a choice of combat trousers - black, dark grey, light grey, tan, and camouflage as I recall. And I think that the last time I bought, they were something like £7 a pair! I bought 4 pairs.



And t-shirts - just this week bought a new black V-tee for £1.96.




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Remember there are different applications and different types of gig.


You'll need cheap black t shirts or polo shirts, black combats or jeans for your general work, but remember the corporate stuff. Try a DECENT pair of black jeans, and a black shirt, or maybe a pair of trousers. Perhaps a black suit, it depends what you do. You aren't expected to do the in and out in a suit, but for a wedding, or for corporate there is quite frankly nothing worse than people walking around in faded, ripped, paint splattered black t shirts with the neck stretched and scuffed brown boots, but then again it's pointless wearing a suit to a metal gig where you're going to get covered in beer and bodily fluids no matter what. A pair of steel toe cap SHOES aswell as boots can come in handy. Like I say, it all depends on what you do.



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just a black top and jeans from primark not the greatest :angry:


Fruit of the Loom? :D


Hardly 'top of the range' gear



What? I thought Fruit of the loom was very chic, all the cool looking drug addicts in my town have the jumpers, joggers and t's :D

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another vote for cheap. I go through so many being snagged on bits of set etc. It was mentioned earlier about I decent pair on combat's for a amy store, I have some and prefer them to jeans but again don't spend to much as they do get damaged. but are a bit more hard wearing and comfortable than jeans. I got some that you can evan slot the knee pads in for if your on your knees taping down
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