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Hello all, please excuse me if I have posted to the wrong area.


The company I work for will be exhibiting at PLASA this year for the first time, and although we will only have a small shell-scheme stand I am keen to make an impression on the clients and potential clients who come to visit us.


Can you give me your thoughts for a really-useful, memorable giveaway I can give to our guests; perhaps something industry related, or perhaps you have been given a similar thing before and remarked what a good idea it was...


Budget as usual will be an issue (No plasma screens or PS3's please) I have 3 brass farthings and a half penny I found where the gaffer tape ought to be.



Moderation: Good topic but probably more "Office" than "Technical" so I've moved it, leaving a link in the "old place".

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What do you do? Surely something linked to your product or service is more likely to be memorable?

<Coughs politely and points at David's profile...>


I work for one of the principal LOLER testing companies for the entertainment industry
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Yes - I'm the Operations Manager for a LOLER Testing & Inspection company, didn't want to name names and fall foul of the advertising rules.


We will be at PLASA offering advice about the legislation, we don't have any products to pimp, just good old fashioned opinions.

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T-Shirts are always a winner. Cheap swag and free advertising to boot. Can't go wrong in my book!


There was a company a few years back who were giving away little bags (like microphone bags) with their company gumpf on. Haven't seen them since tho!


Mugs are also great. I know I always re-stock our crew kitchen from PLASA swag every year.







I'd avoid going down the road of LED torches. Most cheap ones are a bit rubbish, plus everybody at PLASA seems to give them away.

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I don't think there are any rules to say you can't put who you work for in your profile, or a post. Some people do, and some don't.


USB pen stick of a useful size? Could save you lots of printing costs too.

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I had looked at the OP's profile, but felt that answers were more likely to be focused if we all saw it here. Can I suggest that you have a look at the Commercial section, where you will find info on what is allowed in the way of "self-promotion"; it isn't all banned!


USB pen stick of a useful size? Could save you lots of printing costs too.
This crossed my mind too, fill it with LOLER info, what you do, useful tables, calculators and stuff. You can get them printed at fair prices, although I can't remember where. Detail was on another forum.
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Guest lightnix

It's a tough call - especially when budgets are tight. Unusual swag, which stands out from the crowd, can be fun - but tends to cost money and may wind up in my "trophy drawer", rather than out on the street, where it can be seen.


The best swag IMO, is something practical, that I can use every day. Pens are always popular and not too expensive. Combining a pen with a small notepad, that has each page printed with your logo and basic details, can also be a good wheeze. Not only will somebody see your details in front of them, every time they write a note, but (better still) every time they give that note to somebody else, they'll be effectively handing over your business card / flyer at the same time. Such notes may also get pinned to office walls, where they become mini-posters ;) :) :)


Swag that can be seen, e.g. coasters, fridge magnets, lanyards, coffee mugs, etc. can also work well. If I see such things with your name on them, scattered around offices and warehouses across the land, it gives me the impression that you are somehow a well-known and widely-respected company (gullible fool that I am ;) ). If not, then at least I might ask who you are - if I see them a lot ;)


You might want to offer something that reflects your line of work. I see from your profile that you do LOLER testing, so maybe a carabiner keyring, or a small, cast metal paperweight might be appropriate, if a tad dear :lock:


Maybe you could do two lines of swag - one for the masses (pens) and a smaller run of high quality stuff (paperweights) for serious-looking prospects.


USB pen stick of a useful size? Could save you lots of printing costs too.
Now that is an excellent idea, (which I will be nicking suggesting to HQ tomorrow - 'coz we just decided to do PLASA, too ;) ). Stick yer brochures on it, save a fortune in printing and help save trees. Nice :)
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Budget as usual will be an issue (No plasma screens or PS3's please) I have 3 brass farthings and a half penny I found where the gaffer tape ought to be.


Don't discount it - one of the most memorable conference stands I've seen was the one that was "raffling" the 42" plasma on the back wall.... and 1 42" display is probably cheaper than several boxes of crap toys...


However, the guy that won the 42" display had travelled there on Easyjet... :lock:

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In the spirit of fairness, having just thought "notepads, yes we'll be doing those" can I throw lighters into the ring? They get passed from pillar to post so plenty of people see them and people actively try not to loose them. Last years avo lighters are still turning up I noticed the other day.
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I'd second the USB sticks or Pen/Notepad combos. Mouse mats are also good too for the reasons that Nic suggests, as well as having two levels of swag for the passing casuals, and then the 'Qualified Leads'. It's also worth considering having something like sweets to help get people to pause at the stand and let you start the conversation, but this can also have the opposite effect of getting every body to pause, so maybe try it, then hide them if they don't work.
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I also like the USB stick idea. However, the other previous suggestion that caught my eye was the karbiner key ring. I only say this because my son and his assistant are both probably in you target market and I've noticed they both seem to carry large bundles of keys at work, karabinered to their belts. Admittedly two is a small sample for market research, but....


Finally, don't discount the T-shirt idea but, if you go for it, put some thought into hitting the right mix of humour and "socially acceptable". "Riggers do it standing high and proud" might not be appreciated in a church school...but you can probably find a good compromise.



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I have had USB sticks from two companies now... and very useful they are too. Keyring karabiners are also welcome (they tend to break after a year or two, so replacements are gratefully received).


Tool lanyards would be good, as would a rigger's tool belt?


Of course, half of the Blue Room will now head for your Plasa stand and engage you in meaningful conversation just to find out what the gift is!



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