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Just wondering...


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Looking through some classic TOTP performances on youtube and I spotted this one from 1989. I noticed that they had 6 moving lights on stage but I was wondering what they are.

Definetely a moving wash light but with a scroller on the end (and badly programmed!)


Anyone care to enlighten my interest?


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Difficult to get a good picture, but they look like Pancans to me.




It would be the right period (TOTP is from 1989 as is the patent application), and I think that Morpheus were ahead of the game at that point.



Badly programmed? Maybe by today's standards, but bear in mind these were the first moving heads in use and the control technology wasn't quite what it is today....



EDIT: Actually the "pointyness" of the end looks more like a Parscan, indeed. Nice spotting, Calder.

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Yes, they are Parscans, supplied by Meteorlites (ELP in today's money) if I recall correctly. Not hugely successful for Strand. Just after a big splash on the front of the Strandlight tabloid magazine announcing that Disneyland had taken delivery of 60 or so units, they were all returned as being just too unreliable. They worked fine in short bursts, but couldn't stand up to the punishment of near continuous use in the theme park. Parscans, weren't an in-house development by Strand, but they bought the rights and development from a company in the USA. Also if remember, they were driven from 'The Briefcase', as the Taskmaster and Litescans were still in development.




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  • 1 year later...
Pancan was the Wynne Wilson Gottelier designed moving mirror on the end of a PAR 64 from early 80`s cant remember what the Morpheus lite was called but it is similar name </pedant>



They were called the PanaBeam. It was basicly a PAR 64 with a ColorRanger scroller on the front. To get get different beam spreads one had to change out PAR lamps for the desired spread and it ran off of Analog control.

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