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    Working in the industry
  • Current Employment or place of study
    Theatre Consultant, Novita Techne, Toronto, Ontario
  • Professional organisation membership
    Canadian Institute of Theatre Technology. (Prior President)
  • Full Name
    Matt Frankish

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  • Location
    Woodstock, Ontario
  • Interests
    I'm into: the Cult of Mac, Frisbee tricks, proper "ale", writing comedy, getting muddy on a bike in the woods and travelling around aimlessly.

    I'm not adverse to nice food either. (Making or eating, or both.)

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  1. The ESTA Technical Standards Program has a standard for that: See section A3.9 of ANSI E1.4-1 2022. Sadly no illustration, just a text description. I've also asked a friend of mine who is rather an expert on counterweights to weigh in and if he knows of any good examples.
  2. Ludicrously late, but I finally have my copy - transported at significant risk to my fathers baggage allowance across the pond. Well done Rob and everyone else involved - I will peruse this today but it looks amazing.
  3. That model number appears nowhere on the internet except this page. Can you send a link to the fixture you mean?
  4. Assuming the hearing aid manufacturers get on board quick - it does seem to be the superior way to do this, technically.
  5. I remember working some of the masonic halls in Central London where they would make us submit to a full metal-detector and X-ray of our personal bags, but then allow us to empty a van-worth of un-inspected flight cases into the building. I didn't have a knife on me, sure, but I might have had a nuclear weapon in a flight case for all they knew...
  6. For anyone that wants a copy: Peter replied to say that Theatresearch: https://www.theatresearch.co.uk/books/ have a few copies for sale but not sure if they show up in the online shop or if you have to call and ask.
  7. Actually, watching it again, maybe it is motorized. I retract my previous statement.
  8. That doesn't explain who lowered it in so nicely, though..... Was it motorized? Looked like a hand-fly to me.
  9. Indeed, me neither. I've emailed him to ask. My summary may be a bit too summary.
  10. Peter McKinnon (who I know from the Canadian institute of Theatre Technology) has written a book about Sailors and Stagehands: https://oistat.org/news_detail.php?id=1136&mode=&Page=3 Spoiler: he concludes its all nonsense, essentially.
  11. And updated again, today. As usual, let me know if you find a problem.
  12. There's a long way between "dimmable" and "dimmable in a way thats acceptable behaviour for house lights".
  13. There's a long way between "dimmable" and "dimmable in a way that is acceptable behaviour for house lights". EDIT: Wait. How did I post this in the wrong thread? Thats weird. I would have put money on that I was in the E27 lamps thread.
  14. I specify these for systems that might go outdoors now and again, but probably wrong continent. There must be someone similar on your end, though? https://www.prospeakercovers.co.uk/ maybe?
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