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Moving heads to rent out


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I'd be worried about hiring out anything in a lower price bracket than ROBE and Martin. The reason companies stock these heads are because they stand up to being hired out etc.


I no of a hire company who added some Pearl River heads to their hire stock and within 6 months of hires they were needing all sorts of repairs and just generally couldnt handle being out on the road.

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I must agree, when I am hiring kit out, people often say "I need some movers, do you have any Martin units for hire?"


Similarly, if I am doing a larger job than I have the kit for, I say the same thing - "I need x amount of [brand] heads, " and so on.


I used to carry cheaper, less known heads and scans, but:


a) people don't want them

b) they look, and respond like cheap units

c) they break - easy as.

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Hi to echo further comments,


I regularly hire moving heads out. Most people know the Martin range which is why we went down that route.

If on the other hand you were providing a service to customers rather than dry hire then there is a great case to buy your own cheaper versions- you are selling the whole product not just a dry hire!


I have a reasonable hire stock of martin movers and have very few problems with them. The important thing to remember is to maintain them and keep an eye on your lamp hours.



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Industry standard is that for a reason! Or several! One of the most important reasons is the availability of spares. Too many cheap brands cannot supply spares as the product comes boxed and in container loads from a factory in China, BUT there are NO spares, spares come from canibalising other units.
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I own a hire company, and we're investing in Martin or Robe. It is an investment to us, not a purchase.


Also slightly mentioned before, most LD's who hire moving heads will probably only hire Mac's, Robes or vari*lites,

therefore your customer base for cheap heads will be significantly reduced so overall you may save cost, but lose business.


Chances are that as well as cheaper kit breaking down more, you also won't easily be able to get spares.


A survey done at the Entertainment Technology Show in 2004, where over 65% of the respondents were Lighting Directors, showed the following results:


Product quality was Number one, lowest price was at the bottom

Customer service was top, lowest price was at the bottom,

Technical Support was top, lowest price was at the bottom.

Brightness and Reputation of the manufacturer were at the top, and yes you guessed it, lowest price was at the bottom.


Can't remember where to find it on the web, but the actual survey is downloadable and is called ets_04LightingSurvey.pdf. A very interesting read.


Is there any reason why you particularly wand cheap units?

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I own a hire company, and we're investing in Martin or Robe. It is an investment to us, not a purchase.


Also slightly mentioned before, most LD's who hire moving heads will probably only hire Mac's, Robes or vari*lites,

therefore your customer base for cheap heads will be significantly reduced so overall you may save cost, but lose business.


To be fair,I'd also take High End Units.

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Sorry guys, had to make the last post quick, as I had to go to the offie to get much needed alcohol.


The main reason I only mentioned Mac's Vari's and Robes, is because I'm looking at purchasing a fairly large quantity,

24+, with associated trussing (probably Litestructures Quad) and power distro. This is therefore a significant purchase, financially, and as being a hire company, I need high usage and good financial return.


Over the last year, I have researched equipment used in various tours and one-off events and have found Martin to be the most used, mainly the mac2000, the only others to be mentioned regularly, are Robe avd Vari*lite, and, while I agree Pete, there are other good manufacturers out there, my choice of light will be based on profitability which to me means 1: reliability of product with good technical support and spares. 2: What the hirer actually wants


this is going to put a huge hole in my pocket



Sorry, missed the post by pscandrett.


Yes, thanks for that. That was the survey ;)

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Was't suggesting thy were a good manufacturer,more that they were acceptable to hirer's.


Although Ive no problem with them,


Although if your looking for a 1200w fixture then It have to be one of your three manufacturers!

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I agree with all that has been said, in particular the comments about brand name reliability.

If you have hired a load of movers and halfway through the opening night some of them decide they aren't going to do what the desk is telling them you are not going to be a happy bunny!

Or they stop working during the plotting session, which then overruns by 4 hours while you try and replace/repair them, which affects the technical rehearsal, the dress rehearsal, the actors, the wardrobe staff, the venue crew etc etc ........

........I'll stop now.

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I'd be worried about hiring out anything in a lower price bracket than ROBE and Martin. The reason companies stock these heads are because they stand up to being hired out etc.


I no of a hire company who added some Pearl River heads to their hire stock and within 6 months of hires they were needing all sorts of repairs and just generally couldnt handle being out on the road.

Yes, but since the main rental I'm doing is full service. Not often I rent out equipment without service at location.

I'm looking at to buy 8x 575 spots and 8x 575 wash at least. 575 + / -.


Industry standard is that for a reason! Or several! One of the most important reasons is the availability of spares. Too many cheap brands cannot supply spares as the product comes boxed and in container loads from a factory in China, BUT there are NO spares, spares come from canibalising other units.

That's very important to have in mind when buying China products...


I own a hire company, and we're investing in Martin or Robe. It is an investment to us, not a purchase.


Also slightly mentioned before, most LD's who hire moving heads will probably only hire Mac's, Robes or vari*lites,

therefore your customer base for cheap heads will be significantly reduced so overall you may save cost, but lose business.


Chances are that as well as cheaper kit breaking down more, you also won't easily be able to get spares.


Is there any reason why you particularly wand cheap units?

Yes, because 90% of the time I'll be handling the heads. When I need robe's, I have a partner to deal with.


I've been thinking for so long in circles so I need your opinion and advice.

No to Robe. No to Martin. No to more expensive heads than Martin.




If you have hired a load of movers and halfway through the opening night some of them decide they aren't going to do what the desk is telling them you are not going to be a happy bunny!


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If you really want a brand name, Pearl River is the only one that comes up regularly, but it's cheap and nasty stuff, will break, and will be costly and difficult to fix.


If you're saying no to Robe or Martin, then you're basically making a wild stab in the dark and hoping. They're industry standards for good reason, and none of the cheaper heads are particularly well known or in wide use.


To be honest, even the low-end Robe stuff I've encountered was pretty duff, and Martin stuff, while good, is far from infallible. It's arguably not the best stuff out there, it's simply the most popular. (and therefore the most profitable for a hire company!).

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No to Robe. No to Martin. No to more expensive heads than Martin.


Sorry, but I really don't think you've read the responses to your question!

Buying cheap movers in ANY situation is a poor choice, but for any HIRE stock it's potentially financial minefield.

Cheap Chinese units = little or no support + NO feasible spares supply. What spares you DO get are likely to be inflated to cover the cheap cost of original sale.

You'll be MUCH better off investing in a decent set of known brands that will work first time, carry on working for ages, and be easy to maintain along the way.

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