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His Dark Materials


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The review in the independent says that the masks/costumes were designed by a bloke (I forget the name) who also designed same for the Lion King. But I was under the impression that Julie Taymour (Lion King director - excuse spelling if I've buggered it up) designed the costumes and masks herself. Can anyone shed any light?
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But I was under the impression that Julie Taymour (Lion King director - excuse spelling if I've buggered it up) designed the costumes and masks herself


Yup, that's what I thought as well!

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The 'his dark materials' books are almost as bad as harry bloody potter. :angry:


I read them so that I had read all the top 25 Big Read list but was unable to get further than the middle of the third book.


People keep telling me that they are so easy to read and a joy... well that is 'cos they are written for seven year olds.


and RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA etc. etc.

:angry: :angry: :huh: :rolleyes: :unsure: :mellow: -_- however HP makes for fantastic movies so maybe on stage it might translate better... but popular opinion of those who have seen / worked on it seems to disagree...

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The 'his dark materials' books are almost as bad as harry bloody potter.


Interested in your opinions,


I've read the last of the Dark Materials trilogy and personly woud be very reluctant to recomend it to a 7 year old given some of the issues covered require a rather more mature mindset.


I would continue but don't want to give any spoilers and know there is a chance some people on the forum haven't read it yet (Peter? Hows it going :rolleyes:)


- However I would be interested to hear more about your opinions about this book - (This is where I resist the temptation to recomend another forum...)



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HP makes for fantastic movies


Yes the books are good for movies but when it comes to spending money the HP team made a mistake.

I think some things like the blue-screens are terrible and really show up


In my opinion His Dark Materials would probably do even better on film if they used the budget wisely

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The review in the independent says that the masks/costumes were designed by a bloke (I forget the name) who also designed same for the Lion King.  But I was under the impression that Julie Taymour (Lion King director - excuse spelling if I've buggered it up) designed the costumes and masks herself.  Can anyone shed any light?

Yep (no this post was from a while ago but just catching up!!)


Julie Tammour (I think is the spelling) was the Director for the Lion King as well as having lots of input into the writing/ musical score/ masks/ costume/ makup and lots of other areas! However Michal Curry also worked on Masks and Pupets in the lion king (which were fantastic!!!).


( going :rolleyes: but only briefly- The Lion King is the best musical ever! )



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