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Re: The Mercury;

Did a co-production with them several years ago and they were very good - particularly a young guy names Hamish who, despite being fairly fresh out of college, was TSM and really knew his stuff. Is he still there?


On a slightly less positive note (force of habit :rolleyes: ) I did have that horrid experience of sitting in the auditorium during the show on press night, watching a rather large fly piece coming in and thinking "it's not going to stop" just before it hit the deck very hard.

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I'm feeling incredibly positive that it is Thursday which means only one more day till I get to the weekend!!! Sorry to those of you that work in real theatre....guess you don't get weekends...but I do and I really appreciate them....feels like a holiday every week!!!! Of course the penalty I pay is that I have to work with students whcih is a bit of a downer.......I jest, love 'em really!!!
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request to modarator,

is it possible to incorpirate a thesurus in with the spell checker,to allow us to look up words we don't understand

eg-weekend :rolleyes:

I sometimes understand the word Sunday - if thats off any help?



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request to modarator,

is it possible to incorpirate a thesurus in with the spell checker,to allow us to look up words we don't understand

eg-weekend :rolleyes:

I sometimes understand the word Sunday - if thats off any help?



Does the notion of Sunday become clearer when you add the words "double time" to the same sentence?

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Feeling good now - just finished watching a run-through of the next show I have to do the LX design for... 3 acts, 31 scenes.


Was not looking forward to it, as was warned the show is over 3 hours long & the rehearsal is in cold hall with plastic (hard!) seats!


Run-through finished and it only ran 2 hours and 55 minutes - so that's something to be positive about - yes??

Except director wants about 3 million specials & gobos + general washes splitting the stage into about 20 areas - we only have 48 channels ........ arrrgggghhhh

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Guest lightnix

Got called to rig a gig at a "London venue" the other day and was advised to "expect a late finish - about 11.30pm". It went on until 4am. Thank you, Set Builders, thanks a bunch :o


Didn't bother claiming the promised cab home, as I had to be back behind the faders at 7am and so spent the "night" crashed out on the (very comfy) sofa in the Crew Room.


However my :o at the incident turned to :) today, when I was reminded that after midnight the overtime rate increases to £25 per hour.




After all, we didn't have to do that much work, just sit around waiting for a bunch of Brummie exhibition crew to figure out how a stage works :** laughs out loud **:


Apparently (he continued negatively), they'd been allowed in five hours ahead of their agreed load in time because the room was dark that afternoon. After they finished, it seems they went back to their hotel and proceeded to sink several large JD & Cokes before grabbing a couple of hours kip before the out during which they managed to hack through a (sub-hired) DMX line and a mains cable running to some Chromabanks :rolleyes:

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Well I've got a good Ker-CHING story.


Did a getout the other week for a show that will remain nameless. We did it in a shade under 3hrs, and somehow a 6 got onto the getout sheet.


The moral of this story? Check the sheet before signing it off :rolleyes:



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My positivity for the day is that my new boss, who I was dreading, actually turned out okay. In fact in 5 days he has acheived more than my last boss did in the year I have been here :rolleyes:


1 year later...they just sacked the "new" boss and made me the boss!

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Had a good start to the week as my new pyro controller arrived safe and sound. And after spending what seems like weeks crimping spade connections and bolting on spring terminals, I'm pleased to say my patch panel for the controller is now finished....... and it worked first time!! Yes I can't quite believe it myself but all 96 connections are working flawlessly.


Sory but I cant resist ending on a slight down note!... The only thing that's wrong now is that I've probably blown up the best part of £200 worth of pyro "testing" (some would call it playing!) the complete system ...... Oh and my thumb has a permanent ridge on it now from the crimping pliers!


I love my job! Really! Always happy me! :rolleyes:

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