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Everything posted by themadhippy

  1. just to add to above,tried 3 different browsers and the same thing,first couple of results have images,but then text.
  2. it aint just you.Been happening for a few days here.
  3. And only a few more to read the analogue ins to set the 6 outputs levels,,6 pots wired between +v and 0v with the wiper to the analogue ins and youve a basic desk.
  4. Sorry about that.For me the most impressive floyd lighting effect was at docklands in 89. they had some heads on a track so they could be moved,nothing unusual,until they fired up the second beam and these large black boxes looked like they were walking.Anyone remember the balsito girls at wembley in 86?
  5. Some ribbon mics,especially older models don't like it up em
  6. european 230v lamps on a uk 240 v supply?
  7. The hardest bit being the 25 pin d sub,however you can make life a bit simpler by buying a fully wired 25 pin to 25 pin lead and chop it in half
  8. yea all depends how you read the question as you say requires a multiplexer,but seems to suggest they want to get them to work on DMX
  9. the magic adaptor is called a d-mux for example https://www.thomann.de/gb/showtec_multi_exchanger.htm
  10. I'd be looking at changing your supplier,only yesterday I ordered 5 double sided boards,about 2"x3" for around 30p each ($2 for 5),the P+P was more expensive than the 5 boards, even the paypal charge was more than the cost of 1 board.All in the total order came to around a fiver ,or just over a quid a board.
  11. whats wrong with cable trackway?yea it can be a ballache to put out,but much quicker than a bloke and a shovel and about the same cost to hire as a tank of diesel for the mini digger,added bonus 's are your cable wont need jet washing after the out and when you forget that extra cable no need to start digging again
  12. because a plug is designed for flexible cable,swa is defiantly not flexible.
  13. https://www.google.com/maps/@51.1570134,-2.5897375,3a,24y,273.56h,99.7t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNdhg6ILbz_KgMT18j1eYpdOQqOIBK3CH4tJ3TU!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNdhg6ILbz_KgMT18j1eYpdOQqOIBK3CH4tJ3TU%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya14.843521-ro-0-fo100!7i12000!8i6000
  14. If your going to be firing triacs with your opto why not use an opto with the zero crossing built in,something like https://cpc.farnell.com/on-semiconductor/moc3061-m/optocoupler-z-x-triac-driver/dp/SC12306
  15. which are? government thinking thinks through,never going to happen.So we force all heavy pant equipment to either use normal more expensive diesel,increasing the cost of construction, or get them to switch to electric.So wheres the electric coming from to recharge these machines that are often used in the middle of nowhere,I know lets ship in a diesel generator to run overnight to charge the plant.
  16. The clips that hold the lens tube of 264's in place have a nasty habit of breaking if theirs a budget for replacing stuff due to health and safety issues.
  17. You just keep a box of spares alongside your spare break glasses for the fire alarm.
  18. Its just 4 metal bars and 1 M8 nut and bolt per join.This might be dated,but has some usefull info https://www.rosebrand.com/Downloads/unitrack-manual.pdf
  19. Was going to post wot he said above,so another vote for triple E
  20. Never assume as it makes make an ass out of u and me.I was asked a very similar question on a job interview,I asked for the missing info ,they asked why I needed it and I explained why .later,when I got the job I found out they had worded the question that way on purpose and anyone not asking and just assumed got no further.
  21. And why cant you give a definite answer to this question, as the answer could be anywhere between 0 to infinite with the information given
  22. From the ingrained sensibility hammered into us from a young age, instead of being wrapped in cotton wool and not allowed to do anything. Ours left us to it,including building the scaffold tower,the only teacher intervention was being told to turn the radio down as it was disturbing other lessons.Another vote though for getting another trade,electrician is a useful one,but the way the industry's gone in the past few years maybe computer networking.
  23. Theirs a couple of things you can practice at home these are essential skills that will serve you well thought your career,of course the higher you climb the career ladder the less you will use them,but at least you will have the experience of doing these tasks and know what they entail. 1) coffee/tea making,not just making the beverage correctly but be a being able to remember a complicated brew order,prepare it and deliver the correct beverage to the correct person will gain you more Kudos than someone who just slops 6 coffees and 6 teas into mugs and shouts "TEAUP ",leaving everybody to sort out half of the job you were ask to do 2)safe operation of sweeping equipment.learn how to use a broom correctly and efficiently,practice with different types and learn were a soft bristle broom is better than a stiff bristle,also practice the transfer between broom-dustpan-bin .You might wish to follow this up with mopping the floor. Having a good knowledge of the above will prove invaluable in your first few days weeks months years working backstage.
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