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    Local shows in schools, hotel that puts on a summer cadbury that on once a week from June to October, and other fund raising events
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    Tony Mc Guire

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    Donegal, Ireland
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    Electronics, Computer, Ham Radio, Sound and Lighting

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  1. I have show in it to a friend and he thinks it was chrome plated but he said the way it flakes into tiny pieces also could be Sliver plated. I have asked a few car auto parts shops for high temp chrome paint and none had any and one where I asked did say it would be chrome plated as it can take much higher temp than sliver plated. The same shop said there was a kit you could get one time very easy to re do car headlight reflectors as older cars the headlight reflector was glass as well but now a days the headlight reflector is plastic with chrome plated on it.
  2. I was thinking that and I would not have tried it anyway. I am going to contact a glass company that is about 1-2 hours away from me to see if they can do something I only found out about them at 4:00pm today and they closed at 4pm as well.
  3. Thank you for suggestion and I am looking in to them. I am also asking local to me to see if anyone does chrome plating or sliver plating. I have got one person who said put tin foil on it with the shiny side toward the bulb may work.
  4. A lot chines copies of light you will find that. What all wire go to the main board in the mover its a chance that the main board has feedback from the led driver board and know what its doing also to this could be used to speed up and slow down fans in the mover. What make you think the led driver board needs to be replaced does it work at all with the original board. Please post here the problems your having with the original board as someone may know where the fault is can you also post a good photo of full board both sides and of any labels on it.
  5. I not sure it looks like a bit sliver plated it could be silver mirrored. I do know one thing for sure get it on your hands and it hard to get it of as it seem to stick. It will come off when you put your hands in water. I will take a better look later at them and see can I tell
  6. I have some profiles Moonlight 750 (copes of the S4 profiles) with the reflective coating is coming off and would like to re-coat them as they are very handy profiles for the size. They are 650w tungsten and we have some spares for them. Has anyone ever done this or what would be the best way to do it. The reflectors are made from glass.
  7. Yes your right on that. Any version before will be unlocked by the hardware you have I think. I know there was big changes from on wards. Even some of the older pc wings will only unlock part of the software. I used to have the B4 snake and it would unlock the software. I sold it on as I was not using it much and the changes just came in after that. I think this move was to get people to buy new hardware. I am sure someone will know more than me will come along
  8. Look at some of the gaming headset the more up marked ones they will have a TRRS 3.5mm plug on them as they are for laptop/pc. It maybe your best bet.
  9. Hi, Has anyone seen a Yamaha LS9-32 which seem to be stuck in a boot loop also the UV leds for all channels are dimly lit. I did change the backup battery after this has happened the original battery tested ok as in it was still 3v. I did find the service manual on the web and I have checked the voltages out of the power supply and they all tested fine removed the CPU card and reseated it. I also have tried booting with as little as need to get the screen to work and still the same. I also reloaded the firmware with no problems at all.
  10. I have worked on a Metro Audio base unit and the resistor was 0 ohms (from memory which was about a year ago) as to act as a fuse and I did replace them with 1 or 2 amp self resetable fuse and it helped to find some faults with the some wiring my local theatre. It has been working away good and I have also had some Bluecoms packs that I have run on it as well with the odd thump which I still have to look at in my packs.
  11. This is interesting. I have not seen radio mics do this but I have seen mobile phones do it. I know 868Mhz is part of the GSM (2G) network and is also use by alarm installers for alarms to contact call centres as well. I have seen an alarm set itself off over this as the mobile coverage is bad on 3G,4G and 5G so it looks at 2G(GSM) to contact the call centre. This is a community hall and not to far from me and when they do plays and it full of people the alarm as know to go off.
  12. Kerry Davies, you have brought back a memory to me on 300-500 halogen floodlights. Here in Ireland we have the GAA and the big final was won by my own county in 2012 I was asked by a friend to light the stage and I used 4x 500w floodlights for front light. I had a someone from a TV station come to me say "I think you need a bit more that them 500w floodlights." I did prove him wrong and also the stage was facing in to the sun well when it did try and show itself from behind the clouds as it rained that day and it was thick misty rain, at lest I had not to worry about rain and the power tripping. The 4 floodlights did light the stage and he did come and say I proved him wrong about the 4x 500w floodlights enough for the front light. I still use them floodlights today but now they are starting to fall apart. As someone said "they don't do much on till it starts to get dark but they sure can light a stage. I am trying to find some 500w halogen floodlight fittings but nothing but led ones now. I need them for August for a festival. I am looking at led ones but need them to be dimmable but no luck yet
  13. I have the version 1.4 of the beltpack files here http://mcgcs.net/BluecomBeltpack1_4.zip
  14. I was also just looking after I post above these look like the panel https://www.like-king.com/productinfo/657434.html https://www.eagerled.com/products/ea500c5-45-degree-angle-rental-led-display/ I would say for sure the panel is copied by a few different ones
  15. They are cheap chines panels from what I got in google by saving the pic to my computer first and then dragging it to google search box and they show up a few different chines sites hope this google like works https://lens.google.com/search?p=AXAp4whwS8I_ZnO987GKpndfe8iq9W3fu6udJ37iJhRJWtBndvTEMi48sNhjqlvAqGhf9tvN9SmAENnkjkcR22OfNieqQRInHYmkv1Kc0xhuGHp_0EOTjm9YzWIafgkkXABUOdq8tvsw5xE7Zl9m4TQUi-obeni---4ejq5Bh27ODVe9nTmJHaypEdN_78-zF_32Dj7swZsVVmi0N1sJ5W_OK1JtVXXEdTwidW-d3OWHQfD90PvMlyDw&ep=gsbubb&hl=en-IE&re=df#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKR015WXpBM1lqYzRMV0ZsWmpFdE5HVmtOUzA1WTJVMkxXWmtPRE13T1RNMk1HTTVaaElmT0RKQ2F6WmtUVGRXYjBGbVVVUjFWV2RKVkUxaWJEUm5Ra3RtTjFkb1p3PT0iXQ==
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