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Christmas Lighting


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A great video there, I have ideas now for my Santa's Grotto...

To the doubters, look on the left hand side, above the first floor roof there is a light which flashes a rather steady rhythm.


That kind of stuff is right up my street, making lights go with the music!



:** laughs out loud **: Off-topic stuff about Ebay and widow-makers removed. This is not the place for that discussion - please use the existing Ebay topics. And take heed of the recent posts in those topics concerning the undesirability of attacking individual Ebay items because of some sort of perceived 'fault' or 'problem' with them - if you have issues with an Ebay item, take it up with the seller.


Edit, oops, my appologies, I hadn't seen it was on the Ebay thread.

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Does anyone know a British company that would provide kit to do something like that, Light-O-Rama are good but American and when it is about £25 per power adapter and you have about 100 strings of lights...(well you can work it out).
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Does anyone know a British company that would provide kit to do something like that, Light-O-Rama are good but American and when it is about £25 per power adapter and you have about 100 strings of lights...(well you can work it out).


Where did you get those prices from? An 8 channel triac switch board costs $99.95, hardly going to break the bank. There are already people using Light-O-Rama in the UK, I used to chat to a guy called Les Murray and last time we spoke he had just taken delivery of some Light-O-Rama products, so they must manufacture and sell 50Hz 230v products to the UK.

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I think this may be the actual house in the video.


Have you looked at the video? The two houses look nothing alike, the one in the video has two windows, with lights in, the plymouth house doesn't. The plymouth house has a Garage to the right of the house, the house in the video has the garage on the left as part of the house with a drive leading up to it.


I think the video is exceptionally well made, not entirely sure that it is genuine as it is timed very well to the music. But if it is genuine I suspect it has been done by a propper LD as there are some nice bits in there, and I also believe that it uses some form of proper lighting control as there are a lot of lamps for "light-o-rama"


just my 2 euros...

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It is about £25 for a voltage transformer, if you need one for every set of lights, then it gets pricey. Can anyone find the British Light-O-Rama products, I have looked but no luck.


A voltage transformer alone isn't enough. Light-o-rama is capable of dimming and will require the correct mains frequency to function, the 60Hz US models probably wont work over here even with a voltage transformer. If you're interested then best bet would be to E-mail the company, I know the modules Les had were for testing purposes and IIRC he was the first to get hold of this kit in the UK. This was more than half a year ago now, so I suspect the testing is complete and the UK products are available.


Paul, the video is almost certainly real. If you take a look on the net then you'll soon see that there are quite a lot of people running computer controlled christmas lighting in the states. I'm not saying for sure that the house in the video does use Light-O-Rama, but that number of lights certainly wouldn't be a problem for the software or hardware.


I think PC controlled christmas lighting really took off a few years back when a guy called Drew Hickman released a software/hardware solution called Dasher, it was based on an easy to program grid system and he produced all the products himself. Since then he was bought out by a company called animated lighting, who still sell Dasher although at much inflated prices. Then other companies sprung up selling similar products, but they're all still based on the grid control system. Even the original version of dasher could support something like 100 control boxes of 8 channels each, unlike DMX the control commands are only sent out when the state of a channel changes, therefore control of a large number of channels isn't a huge problem.

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I think the video is exceptionally well made, not entirely sure that it is genuine as it is timed very well to the music.


Over the last couple of years, beat mapping technology (for audio files) has improved greatly, so even if they were using an audio file instead of a MIDI file, mapping the cues to be exactly on time would not be overly difficult.

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Personaly I wouldnt put it past some one, I've seen a entire song in stop go animation. With people!! its insane but really well done.


EDIT : here is the link of said song http://www.compfused.com/directlink/717/


If you are into that type of thing have a look at This Pop Video created by Peter Leckelt

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