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Let’s talk about pixel tape....


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I’ve been using “normal” LED tape for a few applications recently, but have never experimented with pixel tape. Looks interesting - but where to start!


The applications I have in mind are relatively simple chases and patterns, rather than full-blown pixel mapping. I don’t want at this stage to be running multiple DMX universes to control each individual pixel, so I guess I’m looking at some sort of basic controllers to drive each tape, triggered by a relatively small number of DMX channels.


I see various cheap units on ebay/aliexpress that suggest that they might do this sort of thing, but no real documentation. Are these worth a look?


Or should I be looking at the arduino option? Are there any Arduino sketches around that would be a starting point for this sort of thing?


I’m sure lots of you will have been here already - all thoughts welcome.

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There are plenty of arduino sketches to control pixel tape, as I've recently found. A search for "ws2812b arduino" got me started.


There is a specific RC4 theatre wireless unit available to program patterns into the controller as "macros" and trigger those with DMX. It won a prize at PLASA a couple of years ago is all I know about it.

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Tacklind List , gives about best overview of what`s around, controls, LEDs, libraries, software , most makers represented though range maybe more extensive than listed, its editable if you find something that should be added:




At only 170 RGB pix a universe, DMX512 really gets forgotten about with pixels, sACN/Artnet more practical way of handling them.


DMX triggered playback isn`t a massively popular feature, DMXKing`s LeDMX does it though




Still have to fire up something to program the scenes, Xlights and Jinx are popular and free.


ESP8266 based projects are popular , ESPixelstick and variants and WLed with phone app, see Tacklind List.


WS2813 5V and WS2815 12V are the modern replacement for WS2811/12

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We used 4 arduinos to control our 64-square Chess floor a couple of months ago. (I didn't do the programming but can get the code if you want).


Each of the squares had 61 RGB LEDs so each Arduino Mega managed 976 LEDs. For our purposes we just had them doing the same thing in each square, but I'm pretty sure that with code changes it's 'easy' to have them do fancier patterns etc.

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A related question. Does a device or project exist where I can set a DMX address and depending on the DMX value received, output different preset scenes (static or animated) to a pixel tape installation? Ideally the device/project should take a pre-programmed SD card with all the pre-set scenes. Minimal cost for communtiy theatre work is preferred because our lighting desk is simple and only sends out one universe of DMX with no additional clever networked stuff.
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A related question. Does a device or project exist where I can set a DMX address and depending on the DMX value received, output different preset scenes (static or animated) to a pixel tape installation? Ideally the device/project should take a pre-programmed SD card with all the pre-set scenes. Minimal cost for communtiy theatre work is preferred because our lighting desk is simple and only sends out one universe of DMX with no additional clever networked stuff.

You can program the Arduino with a preset pattern or sequence, I'm sure. Then you'd have the option to trigger that effect with a DMX signal or even just a power-up (via a DMX switch maybe) if it's just a single effect state that starts up on power...




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Equally you can add an SD card module to an arduino (or similar microcontroller) so that the patterns can be programmed separately. Then you'd need the pixel tape code(downloadable), DMX receiver code (also downloadable) and hardware and a bit of ingenuity with the glue logic and you're away.
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Qolorpix is a very limited device, nicely packaged.


At around a tenner the wifi controlled SP108e will do 128 more pixels and has image-to-effect in its app.







Think starts up from last state on power on.

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Thank you for your suggestions. I'm more uncertain now....


The Enttec, Madrix, Qolorpix units are way beyond our budget and in addition there's the infrastructure needed to make them work.


The SP108 is interesting and I'll have a play with one. Many user reviews of the SP108 complain of poor reliability controlling the device.


The K1000-C controllers (and similar derivatives) look promising, but again poor documentation and software let them down. There appear to be many suppliers of these devices, but I get the impression that no-one has any real clue about what they are selling or the software and firmware involved. The K1000-C devices do have an RS485/DMX input port but no obvious way of doing anything useful with it. Shame.


At the moment, it looks like I'll have to polish my Arduino skills



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T/K1000 units are OK for what they do, standalone replay units that you need to program with LEDedit, its own PC software, there a few versions around but the DMX port at best is an on/off switch , no selecting patterns, dinnae bother.


DMX selection of canned effects is rare because it`s not massively useful, still have to set the effects up, may as well keep the server live and call and adjust to suit. Rather than flipping the flipping SD card in and out....


Desk triggering server that`s running something like Madmapper or Resolume when budget isn`t an issue.


DMX control of pixels gets old fast, its like trying to run a moving lite of a 2 preset fader desk ;-)


sACN/Artnet dosen`t even need dongle :-) just whatever old laptop can get to run the software,it`s just a second go button to hit.


Haven`t experimented but should be able to get 64 unis of Artnet out of MagicQ for free with pixel mapping ability.


Jinx was designed for live use but only understands matrixes and is getting old or Xlights comes from Christmas lights community, not so great on live, but ability to build odd shaped models is handy, both are free.


WiFi based pixel driver projects are very common and cheap, because of the ESP8266 based boards, like the WeMOS /NodeMCU about a fiver on Amazon, programs from Arduino IDE. WLED and ESPixelstick are popular firmware, level shifter if strip more than few inches from board, links in Tacklind list.


Laptop Xlights/Jinx > NodeMCU(Wled/ESPpixelstick) > WSXXX based strip , er , that it. Keep it under 2A and can use a USB power bank as the PSU.


Hardwired ethernet is more reliable but is going to cost more, Bobby`s very reliable 2 uni ethernet to pixel




Its Christmas light focused but very well explained



On faceache Diy DMX and Pixel group , LEDs are Awesome, Addressable LED lights and Sculptures













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There are some very good pixel drive libraries which use dma to output the pixel data stream so the processor is free - google "ws2812 dma". Otherwise the processor is tied up with the timing of the data and doing other stuff like DMX can make the tape flicker.


The ones I've seen are for stm32, I'm not sure if anyone has done it with an esp8266

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