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cheapo PARs LED

Dave m

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They would not provide an accurate colour image of the art piece due to the narrow spectral colours of the led emitters, which means the person looking at the art piece will not see its true colours, when viewed in daylight. But cheap led par's could be an ecconomical means of colouring of an artistic piece, however the art piece will change colours with other light sources present, such as daylight.
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I think he means dance rather than artwork.


Do you have a link, there are lots of different ones. Don's point about colour rendering is still valid, they can make things look a funny colour, which may or may not be a problem for you. The main issue at that price point is they are not very robust - if moved around or rigged/derigged a lot they'll break quite quickly.


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Thanks everyoneYes- it is to give "mood" for art performances which currently have nothing to separate them from someone just reciting something or performing in a large white room. The idea is to build a section of steeldeck or similar and whack some pars on it to create a performance space that stands out from the rest of the space

I'll take a look at Thomman

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Look at wall washers or uplights for effective mood lighting, instead of just lighting the whole area with a colour. The artist will tend to blend into the background.Have a read of this Mood Lighting article.

Firstly I don’t see how that article is relevant at all?!?

Secondly; yes some up lights will make the space look nice; but there needs to be direct light on the performer too.

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