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Dave m

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    Reading University
  • Full Name
    Dave marron

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    reading yk

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  1. How big are the flats? Canvas? what space do you have behind?
  2. You could use a pair of gravlocks to mount the horizontal, but include a vertical leg of 48mm scaff? so the weight is floor supported and the I beam just holds it up?
  3. A stage weight is 12.5 kg. Fancy that hitting you? Is this a licenced event? Insured?
  4. We have no idea of your thoughts, so how would we know? On stage? Tripe? Audio? detail?
  5. I suspect that it’s toast but… We have a 75” Monitor that appears to have had a whack in the corner. Christie have looked at photos of the damage and say it needs a new screen. Anybody got an idea of the likely cost? I’d hate to write it off, at a guess it cost about 3-4K when new It may be cheaper to buy a 1.5k Sony than repair. ta
  6. Superclamps are great (Manfrotto or copies) you might find a magic arm useful as they go floppy when loose and tighten up when you have the angle you want. Years ago I used a simple bit of studding shoved through an old G clamp to hang a camera in a studio theatre. Most theatres have the stuff hanging around. What I did was to fit a piece of flat bar at the bottom of the studding (double nutted and nylock nuts.) I also used a quick release tripod bracket as the cameras had to come up and down. You could source 1/4” W studding if the camera can flip the image upside down. This would negate the need for a camera mount.
  7. To be honest, the way to go for zero latency is composite. Digital is great, but every converter introduces latency. The cheaper you go, the greater the delay (normally) a camera with SDI is probably easier to distribute than hdmi.
  8. Are these all in one place with you having the ability to add software? A place I work at uses YuJa on their machines. I assume that it requires an account, IT to install and store?
  9. Back when I did this I tried all sorts. Quicktime screen recording (on a Mac) A cheap gaming recorder that seemed to have issues, getting a copy of the PP on a stick and whipping to the screen with the camera and back in order to be able to ID the slide ATEM. So long as the computer is seen by the ATEM and can be split to the projector, connect a camera and record live if you can, or use an ISO and do it in post.
  10. You won’t find many/any old school RF input TVs these days. Many TVs don’t have composite either. But you can buy DVTB modulators which would probably work with your existing cables and maybe the distribution amp. Then you’d need small Digital TVs capable of free view which the DVTB modulator feeds, having converted your feed to a cop of a free view signal. Most have HDMI inputs which you need to supply the show on. Some have several inputs so you could have several “channels” on the show relay. There’s bound to be a bit of a delay but show relay doesn’t matter.
  11. I use a mix of 5ltr sceenwash/ other containers. 5ltr water is 5kg. 5ltr dry sand is 8.5 Water is brilliant for temporary stuff as the containers are light when empty and water is almost everywhere I also use cheap saddlebag type bags from Amazon type suppliers which are nylon and double zipped. I used to fill them with polythene bags of gravel but use heavy chain (expensive) now last couple of stageweights I bought were £50 inc delivery and weighed 12.5kg. stageweights bought today will still work as well on day one as when all of us are long gone.
  12. What recorders do they have? Tascam DR40 types and Zooms normally have 2 x Jack/XLR inputs and I am pretty sure that the Tascam sat least can run their built in mics as well as external. I used to do a lot of multicam video and it would stay in sync. If a zoom type recorder can stay in sync with a camera at 16bit/48k. Then it will stay in sync with another unit. How you’d sync the sound files is debatable but an announcement followed by a handclap should do? Obviously there are four channel recorders, or even something like a Zoom L8 The L8 is a mixer with built in SD recorder that does 8 live channels plus mix.
  13. If you were using outside a lot you could use Buffalo Board or similar? Phenolic 18mm is about £60-70 a sheet but doesn’t need paint.
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