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    Working in the industry
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    Corporate AV technician and sound engineerAuckland NZ
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  • Full Name
    David Elsbury

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  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Lighting, (design & operation)
    AV and multimedia work
    Sound design & operation

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  1. Tin foil will likely melt in short order. Get something fit for purpose and heat resistant.
  2. Um, flesh tone is in fact many tones depending on the human in question… go to your local hardware store, and see what’s on offer?
  3. If for some reason you’re shorting the outputs I can see how they might die. You could consider using an optically isolated DMX splitter between your desk and the rest of the rig, for a more user-replaceable buffer?
  4. Be professional stream deck button pushers instead! It’s a win-win: less arm extension means less effort; and no risk of paper cuts
  5. Hire a cable manager? 😉
  6. Almost certainly beyond economic repair
  7. I really don’t remember sorry. This was probably 2019. We were obviously nowhere near each other but I don’t recall it being a problem for conversation so it couldn’t have been super high?
  8. I’ve used Mumble with a local Murmr server before for local Comms (between a hospital operating theatre and an auditorium) and not had any issues
  9. You could try the Chamsys fixture finder?
  10. Probably. Usually. Most of the time. (Until it doesn’t…)
  11. Yes, I ageee. But, if the OP is really still keen on the Soundcraft because of the HTML5 thing, useful information 😊
  12. The UI24 is reportedly much better, with vastly improved preamps
  13. The more professional Chauvet stuff is definitely worth a look
  14. The (acetate) gobo would normally go in the gate of the fixture, where the focus point it- same place the shutters are. Heat shield gel is generally used in the front of the fixture in the gel slot.
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