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John Lewis Ad ...


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Bohemian RhapsodyAnyone else seen the John Lewis ad with the kids' school production of Bohemian Rhapsody and about 25-30 seconds in thought "Exactly what is that bespectacled young 'tech' supposed to be controlling with his vision mixer...? :D


Not sure whether the teacher cues him to open the tabs or change the LX state, but it's clear to those of us with educated eyes that they've used completely the wrong tool for the job.


Yes - OK - I understand that it's a bit of artistic license, and maybe pushing the large vision fader has perhaps more of an impact on those without any clue as to what he's 'operating' but how tricky would it have been to find an actual space-agey looking LX desk and done the job properly??

Surely there are tech crew on the ad production team who could have said something??


Nothing that will shatter the earth, but it does niggle a bit when this sort of thing happens.

(A bit like watching a TV drama set in the 1970s and they use the modern dialling tone, or an American ring cadence... :) )

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Much more irritating to me is the tendency of ad designers to cut odd bars or beats out of classics (such as at about 0:38) just to make them short enough to fit the air time budget. Aaaargh!
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It is a wonderful ad and don't anyone over 21 tell me they haven't encountered the megalomaniac amateur, like that teacher, with ambition beyond budget or ability. I prefer to think that the use of a video mixer is a tongue-in-cheek in-joke especially included for us. I don't think it is artistic licence or that the techs would object. The makers of the ad know full well it is what it is.


As for cutting music to suit film there is an entire industry out there dedicated to just that and it provides millions which sloshes around the industry with bits of it falling into the pockets of people we all know.


Anywho, her indoors absolutely loves it and anything which keeps her happy while I am watching rugby in Welsh is fine by me.

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:D - don't get me wrong - love the ad. And all the hidden in plain iew references to the over-active imagination of teachers/am-dram directors.


It just grates on me a bit though - intentional or not :(



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:D - don't get me wrong - love the ad. And all the hidden in plain iew references to the over-active imagination of teachers/am-dram directors.


It just grates on me a bit though - intentional or not :(


It's just part of a noble tradition; 1'58" in ....



Fair point (sort of :) )




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<img src='http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> - don't get me wrong - love the ad. And all the hidden in plain iew references to the over-active imagination of teachers/am-dram directors.It just grates on me a bit though - intentional or not <img src='http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />
It's just part of a noble tradition; 1'58" in ....<a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0qLzsIhUMk' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>https://www.youtube....h?v=p0qLzsIhUMk</a>

The thing about a video desk like that is it has lots of 'proper looking' lights and is a ready made flight deck

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I've just 10 minutes ago said to the other half, How has that kid opened the curtains using the lever on a vision mixer? The response was 'what's this an advert for' to which I replied 'dunno, some company that's making money hand over fist'.
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As long as John Lewis' ad agency keeps taking great tunes and knackering them with some sort of modern ad-friendly cover version(*), I'll keep shouting at the TV like Abe Simpson every time they come on.


(*) - I suppose I should at least be a bit thankful that they haven't gone so far as to ruin Bohemian Rhapsody by adding a load of jangling ukuleles to it, which seems to be the current trend with most songs that are 'adapted' into something for a TV ad campaign.


(And yes, I also agree with the point about chopping out odd beats from a bar here and there just to make it fit a time slot. Infuriating.)

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