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Video newbie - advice needed!

Mr Steve

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I have a schools dance show coming up in the next couple of weeks, and I was considering the posibility of doing some video projection for it, onto some screens near the front of the stage.


Now, I have no idea how to do this really! I have some broadcast quality seamless looping video clips, a Power Book G4 laptop (1GHz, 1GB RAM), 2 projectors to do the front projection, and a VGA splitter with cabling.


Is there any basic software around (that does not cost, or cost the earth) that will allow cuing of video clips, and output the display to the laptop's DVI out? I don't want the laptop's video output to drop back to the desktop or anything. I'd like to be able to press a key on the keyboard to go to black output, and another key to start the next clip in my "cue stack". Is this possible?


Any advice is welcome :angry:

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At my school we use a Windows XP Laptop and Video connected to a projector.


We use this for powerpoints and videos in assemblies and other school events. I sit by the trolly to the side of the seating and control which ever components are needed.


The software we use is MS Powerpoint (but you mention that you have a Mac) to play presentations. When the screen is required to go black I either place the lens cover over the projector or using a black slide on the presentation - created before hand. Some projectors let you "blank" out the screen.


You mention that you have videos. If these are digital you could insert them into a presentation or make a larger video file using the Mac equivalent of "Windows Movie Maker" which I think is called something like "iMovie". If this were possible you could insert all the video files into one movie file with black screens when ever required. I am not sure wether everything has to be timed though or if it would be possible to use a "on click" function.


Hope some of this advice helps.

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It's OT, but I know someone who has written this sort of software for churches to display powerpoint. Basically it puts a "blanket" over the display, and calls the presentations as needed. F1-F12 call a presentation, B blackouts, L goes to a logo slide, and Esc is used, for example, if you are running a song and go to the logo, you press Esc and go back to the song again.

The site is www.paddedcell.co.nz if anyone's intersted. But it's powerpoint, and it's PC based, and he didn't really design it for commercial use.... but I digress.

The Blanket method sounds like it could be what you're looking for though.

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Don't know about the Mac, but if you are using powerpoint (and various other packages) on a PC with dual graphics, you can connect your second output to the projectors. Don't extend your desktop over that screen, and use "Slide Show" > "Set up show" > "multiple monitors" to arrange to have a preview on the local screen and the main image on the remote.


Note also in powerpoint you can use the "b" key to blackout the screen. But it's not really black, just greyish - there will still be some light coming out the projector. This may or may not be a problem.



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Hmmmm. Media Shout. MAc version comming soon, but probably not soon enough!


You could use Final Cut, but then to view you'd need to either have a DV Camera to act as a bridge, but then it'd be out in video not data. PowerPoint for the mac might be another option. Put the video files in to a slide show, write down which slide has which clip, and then type the slide number to call it. Bit glitchy I'd have thought, but a semi workable solution.


If you find any other software that fits let me know, as I'd find it usefull being a fellow Mac User.

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Guest Cpt_P
it's almost like a REAL computer
Macs are realerer than PC's


Ok, maybe a bit :)


When my school did Chatroom for the 2005 Shell Connections Project, we just used a Mac with PowerPoint and blank slides in between clips. Also, if you are using one of the standard projectors, it is probably only going to focus at any decent size from about 3 metres away, if you want your video sprawled all over the cyc or whatever, then fine, but you can use PowerPoint to crop it down to size if you so wish.


Just make sure you have a half decent edit programme if you are editing anything.

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Or maybe you can make a black picture and use it as extended desktop picture (system preferences - desktop, etc.). then play video clips in quick time on that secondary output in full screen (in quick time: movie - present movie --- full screen). this way you can cue your clips at any point and play. I have done it many times....
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I looked into doing this kind of thing for a Battle of the Bands type gig a few months back. Unfortunately the event was cancelled eventually, but we had everything set up. I considered using Arkaos which, if I think is what you want to do is correct, you can use webcams etc. placed around the stage.


If you want to cue movie clips and the sort, then you can insert them into Arkaos and when you press a key on your keyboard such as '1,' it will take you to the first clip. You can then transition them using pretty good effects etc. You can get a free 30 day trial from Arkaos.net and it's definitely worth looking into...


It's a shame I never got to use it properly I suppose. Oh well, maybe in future events.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi , just a quick note , forget powerpoint ( I have becacause it is microsoft software and I hate it )


Now I use a program called Arkaos , its awsome I wont go into the details but if you want a program which is professional quality pull up a google and search arkaos. You can get a 30day licence or pay some amount of money for the full licence.


Hope this helps


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Is there any basic software around (that does not cost, or cost the earth) that will allow cuing of video clips, and output the display to the laptop's DVI out? I don't want the laptop's video output to drop back to the desktop or anything. I'd like to be able to press a key on the keyboard to go to black output, and another key to start the next clip in my "cue stack". Is this possible?


PCStage can do exactly this, using the MediaSync plugin, and at free qualifies for your budgetary requirement. It does drop to black between clips. It has cuelists(s).


But, you've got a mac and not a Windows PC. Can you borrow a 'normal' laptop? Most modern laptops have the "extended desktop" mode, which PCStage puts itself on the laptop display, and the displayed videeo on the external output, which you connect to the projector(s).

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