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Red cable/leads...


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After a couple of incidents recently where as yet unidentified 'fiddlers' have managed to un-patch various feeds that shouldn't be un-patched on our distro rack in the booth, I want to try and minimise that future risk by fitting bright red cables to the rack with a stern notice saying that these red cables must not be touched by anyone without express approval from me.

Which was a fine thought until I searched some of the usual suspects for ready made-up leads.


Cat 5 was no problem - CPC has loads, so they're already on the shopping list.

But I'm struggling with red-jacketed phono and BNC options.

Ebay has a few Van Damme cables, but at almost £20 that's a little more than I'm willing to pay for this.

Similarly so far I've not found a supplier who will do me short lengths of red cable that I can make up into bespoke leads - I don't really want to spend £70 + on a 100m reel of cable that will sit with 80m or more gathering dust for the next 5 years.


So - anyone have any suppliers they can point me at?

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Assuming the cables are short I have done this before with red spray paint, mask the ends obviously.

That is an option I've considered, but if I can source the right cables I'd be happier




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I suspect that should read heatshrink...!

Of course it should - wasn't concentrating enough, clearly :)

Contact VDC for a trade account. Even without that, They will sell red mic cable from their website at 1m intervals above 10m.

Will give them a try
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I paid RS for some 3:1 adhesive heatshrink. IIRC it was 25mm, it shrank round the connectors nicely and still pulled up on the cable. Available in Black, Blue, Clear, Red, White Yellow.



As an alternative, can you have a full size photograph of the way the connectors should be for easy repatching, or labels on the cables and intended connector, or a perspex cover to block prying fingers.

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Been rummaging around at the theatre and have actually found some old red cables (still in good condition) tucked away which can be cannibalised, and a handful of phono plugs in the spares box and we should be away :)

So - will be all sorted thanks.




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