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Zero88 Sirius 48 replacement sliders


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Anyone know if it is possible to get such a thing. Eaton has discontinued spares.



No, but I do have a Sirius 48 that hasn't been used for ages, that could be used as a donor if you want to take it off my hands. PM me to discuss.

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Seems there are quite a few Sirius desks languishing in corners of warehouses! I used to like it a lot, and can't bear to sling it in a skip, I'd rather it was broken for parts as there is no real prospect of me ever using it again I suspect.
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What would be the possibility of taking the guts of a Sirius and making up a set of faders and wiring them to the mother board, making a hybrid. It might keep some otherwise useless boards doing useful work.


Um, they were not the most reliable of boards even when young - I spent a significant part of my life fixing faults on the ones in this local area. Mostly problems with the 2 motherboards talking to each other, "IPL FAIL" I think was the error.

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Fair enough. I don't have much history with Z88 but there just seem to be lots of people trying to keep them gainfully employed.

Indeed, I still use one regularly in a public hall. Usual problem with wearing-out sub-master faders, which are a bit easier to get to than the channel faders, but the venue don't want to pay to have it fixed :angry:. Still a great desk for busking generics - at one time practically every Edinburgh Fringe venue sported a Sirius-24. The biggest drawback was that the essential 32kB memory card cost nearly £70.


The faders are / were a generic 60mm 10k, as used by Electrosonic among others. Like earlier posters I have a fair few knocking around.


(Edit - typo)



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------------ QUOTE ----------


Still a great desk for busking generics - at one time practically every Edinburgh Fringe venue sported a Sirius-24.




I took a Sirius 24 up to Edinburgh just after they were released. Serial number was really low, something like 004 if I remember correctly.


It lost it's memory overnight because something shorted to the case, battery perhaps.


Zero 88 sent a modification kit which was basically a bit of PVC tape in a ziploc bag.


An excellent desk for it's time, I just don't have any jobs for one nowadays.

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The faders are still made by Alpha.


I believe the correct part number, certainly for the Z88 unit I have here, for the solder lug version, is...




The first bit is a generic 60mm travel fader.

The -10- is for solder lug, -20- for PCB pins.

The -20E1- is a 20mm long shaft with the split 8mm wide top.

The -B10K is a linear 10k fader.


I haven't, as yet, found anyone with them in stock.


Mouser have a -20D1- version which have the right length lug but a different top.

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Might be worth trying Anytronics - their small analogue desks use(d) the same Alpha B10K faders, the only difference being that they solder the unused Pin-2 at the top of the fader to a solder-pad, whereas on the Zero-88 Level-6 I'm looking at Pin-2 has been removed (or possibly they used a variant without it - Keith at Z88 would know).


An alternative would be to look for Level-6, Level-12 or Anytronics desks on a well-known auction site.

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