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Just thinking about our annual clean & PAT and wondered what is the best thing to use nowadays on Shutters & Iris in profiles to prevent jamming etc.

Details of sources would also be welcome




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I'd hazard a guess that you need graphite powder for irises and shutters. High temperature, won't dry out, and readily available. Stick graphite powder in a search engine of your choice.
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Caution - Some shutters and irises have special coatings that mean they are lubricated-for-life and adding anything at all will basically destroy them.


Check with the manufacturer first.

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The maintenance is on some old Strand lanterns pre Source4,so I don't think they did special coatings some 30 years ago

Thanks for the reminder though, I know ETC lenses are specially coated

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Yes, more than 25 year-old fixtures won't have any coatings on the shutter blades, so graphite will be perfect!


Do check the irises though, they're probably not original. I rather doubt any irises are likely to survive 30 years of use...

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