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What Do You Keep Yours In, Part 2?


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A while back I asked about storing small adaptors and the like.


I'm now looking to tidy up my mic storage, along with stand clips and pop shields and similar bits. At the moment I use a Gator 16-hole mic case a bit like this...




...plus some original manufacturers boxes. I'd like to bring them all into one or two cases; I need about 20 mic's worth of storage.


The Gator case holds the 'SM58' style mics, the cylindrical mics and tom clip-ons live in their original cases. The problem, in my head, with the Gator case is all the accessories live in a big pile in the case. I *think* my options are...


1) Suck it up and live with the accessories in a big pile, likely split across two Gator cases.

2) Buy a number of 'pick-and-pluck' foam flightcases and make my own cases where everything has a home.

3) Use the same sort of case as I did for adaptors, with loads of pouches for the mics.


I've looked at ready made briefcase style cases but they all seem to be aimed at '58 style mics.

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@Simon - I did look at a similar case but decided that things would rattle around too much.


@Kerry - the appeal of a more flexible solution is that, well, it's more flexible.

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Kinda coupled with the last topic, we have a "live band case" that, well covers a band. I can take some pics but it is split top down -


mics (including clips) | cables - small snakes

weird misc adapters | base plates






You could do something similar , perhaps trays that you can stack and case. I can take some pics if you want.

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