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LED video wall earth leakage.


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Just a quick question some one might be able to answer quickly for me. I have been asked to move an led video wall to a new location. The maximum power draw of the wall is 10amps, so we don't have an issue powering the wall from a single 13a socket, however if I add up the quoted earth leakage figures we get 31mA, which is over the 30 mA RCD fitted.


My question is if we're running the wall at half brightness which it is set to, are we likely to reduce the earth leakage considerably? My logic is half the power in = half the potential for leakage, or is it more like the control boards and power supplies cause most of the leakage so not much change?


I'm just trying not to have to get the elctrition in to swap the RCD over.


Any pointers would be gratefully received.


Please feel free to move to the power forum if more appropriate



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...if we're running the wall at half brightness which it is set to, are we likely to reduce the earth leakage considerably?


No, it'll not drop at all. 99% of the leakage current will come from the mains filtering which is fitted right at the mains input. It's there all the while and on some equipment you even get mains leakage when the equipment is off.

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Switch mode leakage originates at every cycle of every switched inductor, adding devices merely imposes them all on the same earth wire. You cannot know how trains of spikes from every smpsu will add because they will be at "random" repeat rates and hence "phase angles" to each other. Your options include lots of measurements, or some trial and error (how much leakage gets to that breaker from other things?)
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