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Digital desk Question

Vin Trouble

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Hi everyone, I have decided to look for a digital desk- currently using a Yamaha MG 82 FX, but fancy trying something new- Prosonus 1602 , Mavkie DL series, or a QSC Touchlive. What do you guys think? I work in a duo, ie guitar plus 2 Vox and laptop.Will I benefit from an easy transition to digital, and what are the benefits/ disadvantages of doing ths? Cheers!
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I personally wouldn't have any of those.


The Presonus doesn't have motorised faders. That's a deal breaker for me on any digital mixer. The whole idea is that the faders move to where they should be when you recall a preset.


The Mackie and the QSC both use touch screens which is another deal breaker for me. When mixing live I want to be able to feel a fader (or, rather, faders) so I can make adjustments while looking at the stage. The Mackie has another black mark as far as I'm concerned--it's use of a plug in iPad. What happens when Apple changes the shape or connector on the next version and you need to replace it. I've already seen a guy on another forum trying to buy up second hand old iPads for some bit of gear he owns...can't remember the model.


That said, if you're self-mixing from the stage, maybe the wifi mixing will override the touch screen/iPad issues for you. Your call.


Personally, I'd be looking at the Behringer, A&H, Soundcraft or Yamaha ranges. However, before anyone can make serious recommendations, we need to know your budget and your spec.

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The Mackie iPad connector is on a daughterboard and is easily and fairly cheaply replaceable. It, along with the Touchmix, also has a much smaller footprint than the other currently available mixers. And it's a lot cheaper than the Touchmix. The Mackie app is the nicest to use (I've used several of them). I've had a DL1608 for two years and an X32 Compact for a couple of months. I'll continue using my DL for my own gigs and many of my PA jobs, The X32 will come out when I need more facilities and I/O and will live in the studio between times.
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Hi guys, thanks for the replies. My budget is tops £1000, and as well as my duo, I'll be doing some work with a backing track- based four piece as well - 3 mics, guitar processor, Keytar(!) and obviously backing tracks. The point about saving scenes without motorised faders on board is a really good point- never considered it , and might be a deal breaker for me. I did like the look and dimensions of the QSC, and I'm running a K8 KSub setup anyway, but I suppose I should try and get my hands on as many options as possible pre-trigger pull. David- sorry about the spelling mistakes - I promise to try harder next time. Please forgive my indiscretions.
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Don't hurry into changing to a digital desk. Take plenty of time to try them out. You will soon be able to pick up a slightly used X32 compact for a grand the way prices are going so if your existing set up works for now waiting could pay off.
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Yes, but...


On the other hand, there is (these days) always a new desk just about to come out, which will do more for less dosh, in a smaller space.


If you look at it that way, the best time to invest in something new is always going to be in a couple of months. :D

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You can buy an X32 Producer new for £977 as I type. Be aware even they are a fairly big beast, I have a Compact and, in a flight case it takes up a lot of beer space on the side stage table. I won't be using it on Duo/Trio bar gigs. It's a hell of a lot of mixer for the money though.
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1417974628[/url]' post='512764']

The desks that you listed are quite different beasts. Get your hands on them and demo them. I like the idea of the qsc for the sort of stuff that you do but I'd never mix a conference on it. Give me real faders and my soundcraft desks for that.


I totally understand your preference for that tactile feel - it seems that most folk prefer that. I'm not too bothered with that, to be fair - more interested in a compact desk with some way of storing settings for different venues. I understand that the Presonus is a different beast, but the thing I really like about it, is MIDI, so I can send it info from my sequencer. Looks a lot bigger than the QSC, though!


1417966958[/url]' post='512749']

You can buy an X32 Producer new for £977 as I type. Be aware even they are a fairly big beast, I have a Compact and, in a flight case it takes up a lot of beer space on the side stage table. I won't be using it on Duo/Trio bar gigs. It's a hell of a lot of mixer for the money though.

I would pass on that, Sam - need a smaller footprint.

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The desks that you listed are quite different beasts. Get your hands on them and demo them. I like the idea of the qsc for the sort of stuff that you do but I'd never mix a conference on it. Give me real faders and my soundcraft desks for that.


I totally understand your preference for that tactile feel - it seems that most folk prefer that. I'm not too bothered with that, to be fair - more interested in a compact desk with some way of storing settings for different venues. I understand that the Presonus is a different beast, but the thing I really like about it, is MIDI, so I can send it info from my sequencer. Looks a lot bigger than the QSC, though!


You can buy an X32 Producer new for £977 as I type. Be aware even they are a fairly big beast, I have a Compact and, in a flight case it takes up a lot of beer space on the side stage table. I won't be using it on Duo/Trio bar gigs. It's a hell of a lot of mixer for the money though.

I would pass on that, Sam - need a smaller footprint.


Then you have virtually answered your own question. The only digital desks available which meet your size and budget requirements are the Mackie DL1608 and the X32 Rack (and the Rack is much bigger than the DL). I have a DL1608 and it's very nice indeed and a X32 Compact which is also very nice. Everything else available at the moment is either at least as large as the Producer or over budget. If you need the facilities buy the X32R, if you need ease of use when mixing from the stage (as I do on my playing gigs) and minimum footprint, buy the DL.

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hang on for a few months and save yourself some money - the behringer x18r is supposed to be here Jan/Feb and is supposed to retail for £500 - smaller than most of those mentioned - streamlined x32 functions, built in router (another saving) and tablet control.

it's possible that its little brothers (12 and 16) will work for you which means even more saving.


I would agree with the presonus comments, but if motorised faders are not an obstacle then their prices are dropping by the week - chiefly due to Ah, Mackie and Behringer offerings.


for a new comer to digital, if you are not used to mixing in detail (just a 12 channel by the side of stage perhaps?) then the breadth of what the x32 can do may be a step too far - it's straightforward to use but perhaps a touch too sophisticated for your needs - you would need to try.


just to correct something about the producer is 19" rack format and fairly similar in size to the presonus.


if you wanted a 19" format I would actually point you towards the allen heath qu16 - faders are all accessible on the top surface which makes for an easy grab from stage and its functions are more streamlined than the x32. slightly easier for a first timer.

if you want something without faders, skip the mackie and wait for the x18r - it promises to be quite a bit better at a reasonable amount cheaper.

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If they've been released yet, for iPad only mixing have a look at the SM Pro Audio uMix series. Nice iPad interface and build in router at a good price point for smaller channel counts. We pre-ordered one but gave up on waiting for the release (they were supposed to be shipping in Sept and we ordered an X32 Rack in Oct).


X32 Rack is a capable iPad mixer if you're not bothered at all by physical faders. Will do scene change on MIDI as well, personally I don't enjoy mixing more than one iPad page on it (8 channels) but that's for live adjustment - if it's set and forget levels at the top of a show you should be fine

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If they've been released yet, for iPad only mixing have a look at the SM Pro Audio uMix series. Nice iPad interface and build in router at a good price point for smaller channel counts. We pre-ordered one but gave up on waiting for the release (they were supposed to be shipping in Sept and we ordered an X32 Rack in Oct).


X32 Rack is a capable iPad mixer if you're not bothered at all by physical faders. Will do scene change on MIDI as well, personally I don't enjoy mixing more than one iPad page on it (8 channels) but that's for live adjustment - if it's set and forget levels at the top of a show you should be fine


the SM pro stuff (along with Mackie) is what I think the x-air is probably supposed to compete with - I mistakenly believed the SM pro stuff was already available because they have been listed on the thomann web site for ages - I just checked and it turns out they aren't stock items - or at least they don't have any yet,

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