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Digital desk Question

Vin Trouble

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1418025071[/url]' post='512823']

If they've been released yet, for iPad only mixing have a look at the SM Pro Audio uMix series. Nice iPad interface and build in router at a good price point for smaller channel counts. We pre-ordered one but gave up on waiting for the release (they were supposed to be shipping in Sept and we ordered an X32 Rack in Oct).


X32 Rack is a capable iPad mixer if you're not bothered at all by physical faders. Will do scene change on MIDI as well, personally I don't enjoy mixing more than one iPad page on it (8 channels) but that's for live adjustment - if it's set and forget levels at the top of a show you should be fine


Both UMix and X18 look promising. Had a wee look at the interface on the SM website, and the smallest one sells for £154! Both shortlisted.

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Hi everyone, I have decided to look for a digital desk- currently using a Yamaha MG 82 FX, but fancy trying something new- Prosonus 1602 , Mavkie DL series, or a QSC Touchlive. What do you guys think? I work in a duo, ie guitar plus 2 Vox and laptop.Will I benefit from an easy transition to digital, and what are the benefits/ disadvantages of doing ths? Cheers!


If you can wait until Feb, the Behringer XR12 (which goes for $300.00 USD) has 4 XLR's, 8 1/4" inputs and 2 aux outs. It is supposedly using the same engine as the X32. If that is true, then the efx and general sound of the mixer is very nice indeed. It also has MIDI control.


If I were doing more solo/duo stuff this is exactly what I would buy. In fact, I may buy one just for doing the small stuff I normally reserve for my Allen & Heath ZED 10Fx. It is simply just too convenient.




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If they've been released yet, for iPad only mixing have a look at the SM Pro Audio uMix series. Nice iPad interface and build in router at a good price point for smaller channel counts. We pre-ordered one but gave up on waiting for the release (they were supposed to be shipping in Sept and we ordered an X32 Rack in Oct).


X32 Rack is a capable iPad mixer if you're not bothered at all by physical faders. Will do scene change on MIDI as well, personally I don't enjoy mixing more than one iPad page on it (8 channels) but that's for live adjustment - if it's set and forget levels at the top of a show you should be fine


Both UMix and X18 look promising. Had a wee look at the interface on the SM website, and the smallest one sells for £154! Both shortlisted.


They do look good actually. The interface is a bit awkward compared to the DL1608, but that might just be because I'm used to the DL's app.

The one thing they're missing, is a drum drop - The smallest one is too small, and the middle one is a bit pricy. If they could do one in the middle with say 8 Channels, 2 -3 returns, then I could put it in a case, and this would be a brilliant solution for me personally.

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It's not an app though is it. I think that was Brad's point.


I can't be certain, but I think they've rearranged things a bit since the last time I looked at it.


It look's very responsive for me. At the moment, I have a very fast internet connection......

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I tried it on my 2011 macbook pro and iPad, it works great on the MacBook but is very sluggish on the iPad (both on the same WiFi network). It's not unusable on the iPad but only just. The new Mackie Master Fader app is less responsive that the old, I haven't yet upgraded my desk and iPad2, I have MF3 on the iPad3 to try it out but will probably revert to MF2 for the moment.
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Don't forget we're all trying the uMix interface across an interweb connection.


In reality, it would be a closed local wireless (it may have a cable option) connection, so will be as good as any LAN connected device :D

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They do (or did) recommend a particular browser for iPad, and another for Android IIRC.


Edit - Now changed it seems:


"For Mac and ipad, we recommend Safari, and Add to Home screen on first use for full screen experience.


For PC and Android, we recommend Chrome."



As it's only an online, simulated, demo at the moment, I'm not going to worry about it right now. And if Behringer get theirs to market at about the same time, then I may well never worry about it!

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Processing power required to simply paint the app in the browser? The processor in an iPad isn't in the same league as that in a macbook, and if the app is using lots of scripting to access a lot of widgets in the page (which I'd guess it is) that will need some oomph. I'd also expect it relies on the scripting and drawing engine the browser is using to be quick, and some are quicker than others.
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