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Old Lighting Desk identification


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So, I have a photo that I found in my desk drawer of the console that we used to have here...but I have no idea what it is. For the sake of my curiosity, what is this?




I also have a Microvision FX in a cupboard complete with granite (yes, for real) level wheel. It's pretty cool.

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The buttons look a little bit like ETC Acclaim but has me stumped


No idea what the desk is but while investigating I cam across LS&I archives. It struck me that many things have not changed since 1985 when it was first published and that some of the lighting fixtures advertised in that issue are still in active service in many theatres as well as many much older ones.

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It's a shame the photo is so indistinct. The main thing that makes me think Colortran is the green and red silkscreened areas on the front panel around the Go and Stop/Back buttons - a bit of a 'trademark' on Colortran desks of a certain vintage.
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I think donki might be onto something - it looks not entirely dissimilar to this desk


I used to own one of those and the one in the picture is nothing like it.


My money is on an early ETC or something very left-pond like EDI, Entertainment Technology/Rosco or NSI/Levitron.

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