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Appropriate multiway connector


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Folks - I've just done an installation in a church, and the client asked for enough spare cabling at the control desk to allow it to move out of the way at certain times - so they got that. But now they would like to know if I can make the control area detachable, so that the amp, radio receivers CD player etc. can be taken and locked away in a different room. Coming from this position are five cables - a mains cable, which is already detachable, so doesn't factor in to any of this - and two 4-way multicores, and two 100V speaker feeds. Any suggestions for multiway connectors? I was going to do the 100V lines separately using a single Speakon, and then some kind of multipin connector for the 8 balanced lines. What would you use? Or can I safely fit the 100V feeds - 3 conductors, as there is a common return - in as well?
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It hardly seems worth the effort for a max of 11 cables, just colour code or number (in big text) the XLR heads and 100V speaker feeds. I don't have much experience of 100V line speakers but I don't think I'd use speakons, the risk of somebody plugging an 8 ohm cab into it with potentially disastrous results is just too great (you know it'll happen sooner or later).
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You could use an NL8 for the 100v line... pretty unlikely that you'll get a regular constant-impedance cabinet that uses that in the venue.


Of course I would be worried that someone would force the NL8 in upside down; or not understand the locking mechanism first... ;)

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NL8 for speakers & a harting 24 pin for 8 ways of audio. RS do kits here & the pins are able to be soldered negating the need for an expesive crimp tool. It is always more £ to add such a connector so suppose it depends on how much money they wish to spend on the improvememt. All 32 pairs of my church installed multi are on a harting & it hasnt been disconnected in years, but it can be!
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It hardly seems worth the effort for a max of 11 cables,

I make that 39916800 variations. Someone in a church is sure to try at least SOME of the wrong ones.


That same someone will probably unplug all the XLRs anyway just to check they are in the right way http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif

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