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Holograms in the air


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Hi all,


This is one that has got me stumped. I have a friend that wants to make butterflies fly around his ballroom like they are real for a wedding. (He cant use real ones, the venue wont let him).


I am almost lost for ideas


I was hoping someone might have encountered something like this before


Kind Regards



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2 options I see

1) make a bunch of them and hang on motors in the air with fishing twine.


2) project using a bunch of image blended projectors from a center point.


To have holograms is impossible at the moment(unless something has changed), to have a bunch of Peppers Ghosts maybe possible but I don't see it being able to happen without lots of additional work.

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Option 1- Drop the butterfly idea


Option 2 - Change to a more accommodating venue


Option 3 - Let em go anyway! Offer afterwards to pay for the damage to the premises or wait til they sue. How much harm can a dozen butterflies do

3a - Release Spiders to catch Butterflies

3b - Release Birds to catch Spiders

3c - Release Cats to catch Birds

etc until end of song "perhaps they will die?"


Option 4 Blame it all on the hologram guy. (Hologramist)

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You've probably gathered by now that the idea of actual holograms is a definite non-starter. It's just not possible, even if you had unlimited budget.


Whoever's asked for it either has their head in the clouds or doesn't REALLY mean holgrams.


Sit down with them and check exactly what they think they want, then go with some of the suggestions above to let them know what's actually feasible.

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option 6 - try the pixel poi approach Feeding the Fish Kaleidoscope. you have to wait until about two minutes in to see the butterflies. And they could end the show by incorporating your friend's and his new wife's names entwined in a heart. ( see the corporate logo section) for a fee, of course....


(I'll declare I have no commercial connection with them, I've simply stage-managed a couple of corporate gigs where they've been part of the cabaret. Live, it's stunning. The videos give an impression, but don't quite do the act justice... they are a bit over-lit)

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Have you considered gluing fake butterfly wings to large wasps or hornets and then loading a thousand of them into an air cannon with a dishcloth over the top? I should think that would make the wedding most memorable when they were forcibly launched amongst the guests.


Now about the 3D holographic butterflies floating in the air that you are trying to do on a zero budget for a friends wedding. I think some of the cheap motorised butterflies in the middle of the table and some LSD in the wedding cake might be the cheapest way to achieve the effect within the budget constraints.

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Wow so many ideas that I had not thought about thanks guys and gals.


We are now looking at the confetti idea and also fake butterfly idea.


Using a wide screen projection concept built in there for good measure.


Thanks again people. I love this site :-)



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  • 2 weeks later...
holographic projection is possible, I only know one company that do it - look up musion, is very cool stuff, wouldnt be able to get it around the whole room, and would not be the most cost effective way, but is possible
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