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DI for Takamine Guitar


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Can anyone suggest a DI box that is particularly 'pleasing' with Takamine electro acoustic guitars? My budget won't extend to anything too exotic, I've got two to pay for.





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That is a point about cost of what you might call an "ancillary" device. It does seem a bit incongruous to spend a fair few bob or two on a nice instrument yet "degrade" its performance with an el cheapo DI box sort of thing.


Might need to go to austerity mode for a month or two until you can buy kit which does the instruments justice perhaps?


I would have thought that the "pleasing" thing might equate to something boasting a Jensen type quality transformer...and that will be quite expensive.

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The BSS AR133 is pretty much the "industry standard" DI for most applications... I'm not saying it will be the most transparent sounding, but its most likely what you are hearing when you go and see a mainstream touring band, or certainly any band at a festival...

You can pick them up 2nd hand on ebay for between £25 and £60 from time to time...

A. x

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Orchid Electronics make nice DI boxes, including a silent mute feature, so you could hotswap instruments using one DI. (Unless of course both instruments are being played by different people at the same time)

I've not used them but I've heard them used many times, a very nice sound, for a range of acoustic instruments.

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Orchid Electronics make nice DI boxes, including a silent mute feature, so you could hotswap instruments using one DI. (Unless of course both instruments are being played by different people at the same time)

I've not used them but I've heard them used many times, a very nice sound, for a range of acoustic instruments.



I bought a pair from Orchid this year to bolster my stock and they are evreybit as good as my LA Audio ones, going back very soon for some more.

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Orchid Electronics make nice DI boxes..............


I've had a couple of John's DI boxes for a few months now & am very happy with them - the important thing is that they don't do anything to the sound.


Last week I added one of the muting ones to the collection, and used it during a 7 band "festival" with great success. Guitarists had no problem understanding what it does as a nice bright red LED shows when it's muted!

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The only caveat I would have about the type of enclosure used by Orchid is that the sockets/switches could be a tad vulnerable.


I have an Art dual passive box and that has projecting metal lips which strikes me as useful protection of the sockets/switches if inadvertently kicked across the stage.


This is comment, not criticism of course. From the above it seems the "electrical" performance is beyond reproach.

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On the issue of cost raised by Ramdram. It's a case of the band members paying for their instruments and my paying for the PA....... and I get the privilege of changing their guitar strings! I only do it because I love it so much.


I'm of to the Orchid wed site now. Thanks so much for all your suggestions.



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