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Anywhere to get free promotional polo shirts etc?

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Hi all, is anyone aware of any stage companys, electrical companys, anyone in our industry really that have promotional polos/tees that are good for just working in, even if its a case of when putting orders through etc, theyll chuck promotional stuff in if you ask.

I know you can get a polo from primark for 4 quid, but free is free, and on the assumption, if you dont ask, you dont get, why not try... not to mention branded stuff just looks abit nicer!


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As you say it's a case of purchasing a large amount of gear, then they might throw a couple of things in. As a student asking, all you're likely to do is get yourself a bad name, and considering that these are the people who you might hope to employ you one day, that could be counterproductive ;)

You seem to have the idea but just thought I'd throw that out there before someone goes ringing every company up asking for swag ;) :)


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Thats what Open days are for along with trade shows. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif Although thats mostly pens and lanyards I have gotten from them. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif
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As you say it's a case of purchasing a large amount of gear, then they might throw a couple of things in. As a student asking, all you're likely to do is get yourself a bad name, and considering that these are the people who you might hope to employ you one day, that could be counterproductive ;)

You seem to have the idea but just thought I'd throw that out there before someone goes ringing every company up asking for swag ;) :)



Ohh dont worry were on the same wavelength!

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Another option is obviously get out there and do some work, once you're working all the time you gather a surprisingly decent amount of local crew t-shirts.


Why not get some of your own printed up? "Joe Bloggs, Freelance ABC Technician, 07123 456789, joe@bloggsABC.co.uk" nothing wrong with wearing a business card on your chest. It's not all that expensive.


As has been said too, wait for PLASA to come around, if you plan it properly you can clothe and equip yourself with enough sharpies for the rest of the year, free of charge.

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Aye, as Seano has pointed out, companies generally don't mail out promotional gear en masse because they are not keen on under-performers cutting about in their branded kit.


Advertising is only good if the person attached to the advertising is good. It does not look good to have an "XYZ Lighting" t-shirt attached to somebody snorting coke off the lighting desk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another option is obviously get out there and do some work, once you're working all the time you gather a surprisingly decent amount of local crew t-shirts.


Why not get some of your own printed up? "Joe Bloggs, Freelance ABC Technician, 07123 456789, joe@bloggsABC.co.uk" nothing wrong with wearing a business card on your chest. It's not all that expensive.


As has been said too, wait for PLASA to come around, if you plan it properly you can clothe and equip yourself with enough sharpies for the rest of the year, free of charge.



at PLASA do you get free sharpies all of mine go missing all the time ....

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You should be more careful who you lend them to... ;)

Lending them without the cap more often results in them coming back to you.


At PLASA, companies tend to dish out freebies to those people who they think might be placing orders with them in the future - it's a promotional tool. If they think you're only on the blag, it's less likely you'll get anything. But at less then 60p a pop to buy, it's no great pain to buy some if you need them.

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