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Smoke Machine for Wind tunnel


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Hi, asking for my husband (a design tech teacher)

He has built a wind tunnel for looking at aerodynamics on model cars/projects etc within both his curriculum lessons and their Young Engineers club. It is 6 foot long overall, with a 4 foot viewing platform and is powered by a B and Q windfan.

He is looking for some form of smoke machine to funnel into a single tube on the wind tunnel (the main laminar flow unit it built out of hundreds of straws) to allow them to see the flow of air.

Does anyone have either

a) some experience of this type of work


b) some idea about what sort of smoke machine would be the best, bearing in mind total cost really can only be around £50-60.


Looking at smoke machines, and maybe model train smokers, but not sure what sort, as he is aware that smoke machines may chug out too much, and maybe a model that he can adjust the flow rate.


Thank you in advance



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I think he'd need a hazer rather than a smoke machine so that the smoke is continuous and slightly lighter on output (not a burst of smoke).


If we're talking cheap as chips, I've used this machine in the past. Looks like a smoke machine with a fan but it can actually give you a continuous flow of smoke. I say smoke because being a cheap machine, it's very hard to get a very small output. But it will give a variable output to a degree as it has a variable 'volume' knob on the controller, you just can't control the fan (bog standard computer fan ** laughs out loud **)



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If we're talking really cheap you can get chemical smoke generators for exactly this purpose. They are a plastic tube which you bend to get going a bit like 'light sticks'. I've used them to check cooling airflows in electronic equipment.


Or why not look at the smoke pellets gas engineers use to check air flow for gas fire.

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Exactly, Brian but those wand smokers are specific to wind tunnels etc and cost around £600 IIRC.


Hippy would suggest incense sticks and he wouldn't be far out. Been used before for this purpose but your flue testing pellets or smoke in a can is probably simplest affordable solution. I've bought them in the past but forgotten where and Googly fetches this; Smoke sticks etc

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We've got a small wind tunnel here. The advice from the local Uni aerodynamicists was that at the sort of volume of air that we move, smoke wouldn't be particularly useful. A bit of thread with one end glued to a thin stick (thin welding rod) shows the flow much better.
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