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Economy CAD package advice


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I'm looking to get an economy CAD package to do site plans etc. Can anyone suggest anything moderately functional and very cheap please? To run on PC running XPpro


Not used it a great deal personally, but for the small amount I have, Google Sketchup is okay and its free.



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Serif Draw - been using it for 15 years and it gets better each update. Main things are you can use it almost like a drawing package, with shapes, lines and fills - but it's vector based, does scales really easily - and is really, really simple to pick up. Because it can also handle images pretty well, if you need a symbol for say, a bit of truss or a new mover - then you can simply get the line drawing or even a photo and then draw around the edges. Find a specific dimension on the item, then adjust the size of the new drawing until it matches, and it's done.


This is the one piece of software that I automatically upgrade without even thinking - best thing is that they encourage users to give away old versions, and you can just phone them up and register them for free. Downside, of course, is that they then contact you every few months to try to flog you stuff. Sometimes, I stick to my guns, but they're very persuasive. I can forgive this, because I really like the product. It's quite happy importing and exporting DWG and DXF files, but it has a pdf export facilty that I use to send plans to others.

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Is this the 'Draw' package that used to be on the Archimedes range of computers (OK, a very much updated version) because that was dead good and easy to use. I might be tempted to buy it with my own cash, or better still punt it around at work. The boss is looking for something for the Physicists to use for worksheets and the like.
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I've been using Qcad for a while. Mainly because I wanted something that would run natively on Linux but it's quite happy on windoze too. Not at all expensive and there's a fully functioning demo available. I've not used autocad or anything else like that since leaving uni so I can't draw any comparisons but it's done the job for me when it comes to scale plans.
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+1 for Turbocad which I've been using the free version of for ages. It has some degree of compatibility with AutoCAD which is useful if you have to share drawings and works well/easily for the occasional user.


I've had a play with Google Sketchup and it looks fun for 3D stuff but I've never used it in anger for any real project.



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I am a fan of turbocad. I started with the free student version. Then purchased Delux 15. I have resently purchased Turbocad delux 16 for £54 from Pugh.


I have used turbocad for lighting design, set design, seating layouts for entertainment licencing, set construction, sound design, building design, ect. I have even got hold of the Autocad drawings from the architects of our new building and used them with no problem in Turbocad.It even does an OK job of 3D rendering.

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I'm looking to get an economy CAD package to do site plans etc. Can anyone suggest anything moderately functional and very cheap please? To run on PC running XPpro


Have a look on eBay for older versions of AutoCad. I picked up a full genuine copy of AutoCadLT 2000 a couple of years back for about £60. No 3D but still a very powerful package. Seems compatible with the later upgrades. I very rarely have issues opening plans created in later versions, and if I do I just get the sender to save them as an older version.

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Hi Jivemaster


This is currently a freebie from Autodesk as it is a technology preview


AutoCAD Freestyle


It is a very simplified version of AutoCAD but it does output real AutoCAD dwg files which despite their claims no other non Autodesk CAD programmes can do


It may be too simple for what you want but as it's free it's worth a gander


Of course when you want to upgrade you know where to come!



UK Dealer

LD Assistant

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I'm looking for a free way of viewing, and doing minor changes, measurements etc on DWG files. Is turbocad the best for this?


I run mac os x and win7 64 bit.

Not sure if it works on MacOS but autocad do a free viewer which is quite good and will allow you to scale \ print things.

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