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DMX total noobie

Mark M

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Ok just seen in another thread that the controller I was considering - STAIRVILLE DJ-X 16 DMX CONTROLLER only has 16 DMX channels. Thats not going to be much good for LED 5channel DMX cans if I want to run them independently.


So with my small budget how about this one? STAIRVILLE DMX-MASTER I


up to 12 fixtures, 16 channels per fixture, 192 channels DMX control


So I could run 12 LED cans off that independly? 12 cans x 5 = 60 channels



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I've got one of those. :P


Just about OK for recalling what you've programmed, as long as you put it in the right order as you did it. And you don't want to recall fade times. Or chase speeds.


But no good at all for making live changes unless you are only using 8 channels :D


I hate it.


Please make me an offer!

(This may not be the best sales pitch I've ever done :P )

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Just got a reply from Highlite re: LED Commander





50717 is the Showtec led commander light controller that we launched at

Plasa show 2009, & is in stock,


The end user price is £125.44 ex vat & carriage`


Overt UK have been taken over by Highlite themselves.


Highlite (UK) Ltd

16 Calne Business Centre. Harris Road.

Calne. Wiltshire. SN11 9PT


Office: 01249 819494



TBH if this functions how it looks, it looks pretty much ideal for your circumstances and loads of similar applications.

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Looks good for the LEDS but what about the standard PAR56 cans? As per the thread title Im totally new to anything DMX.




Not ideal, but as replied in other thread don`t think `56s are for you either because


Power consumption , 300W a can, 1.2K connected load, retailer can expect to be shelling out 25% of overheads in energy, lighting big part of that.


Gels don`t actually last forever, some nightclubs please take note, blues burn through, reds fade, they look like shrunken crisp packets on front of your shiny chrome cans.


Lamp life, theory 2000 hours for 56, in reality first time they get knocked when hot, or some people getting enthusiastic on the mezzanine and the vibration getting to them, gotta keep a couple of spares to hand.


Extra boxes , dimmers and cabling.


LED , at a shorter range , ticks the power box, leaps over gel hurdle and romps home on the lamp life question.


8 cans enough to wash stage in any colour, short nose shiny, 4 a side off the mezzanine and LED Commander just need electric string and connectrors in right places and good to go, with virtually zero maintenance.

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I've got one of those. :P


< some stuff snipped > :D


Please make me an offer!



Now there's an offer you can't refuse. It'll work OK for what you want. Just address your LED cans at 1, 17, 33, 49 etc, then put your dimmer pack at 177 and you'll be able to control each LED can individually with the first five faders of each fixture and two banks of eight dimmer channels under the guise of fixture #12.

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musht, youve sold me on LEDs!! I'll scrap the par 56 cans and get 8 LED fixtures instead. With your advice on mounting from the other thread I cant see range being a problem.


Now to look at that desk...


What is the best way to power 4 LED cans a side? I assume a tradional 4 way gang wont cut the mustard and I will speak to my friendly spark but an idea of what is advisable would be usefull incase I can purchase it with the rest of the kit?


Oh and what size cable should I be looking at for the LED cans?

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What is the best way to power 4 LED cans a side? I assume a tradional 4 way gang wont cut the mustard

I don't see why not in this case.

Oh and what size cable should I be looking at for the LED cans?

You'll be hard pushed to find one that's too small!

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Trad 4 gang is fine, even big LED Pars wont pull even an amp each.


IEC splitter might look neater.


All full up, 8 cheapo LED56`s are taking less power than your office P.C.


Need a pile of very short 3 pin XLRs for going can to can.


Need to go from desk to first 4 then out to other 4 then terminator at last one , suggest CAT5, its cheap and within spec.

Terminate Cat5 to RJ45 make patches to XLR3.

Label as NOT NETWORK engraved with deaths head logo, someat like that....

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