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Pre-Recorded Phones, Camera, Fire exit speech

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I was wondering if anyone had a recorded speech that is always said at the beginning of each show.. the one like " please take your seats the performance is now starting" and "we would like to take this oppertunity to remind you that the use of photography" e.c.t I would be grateful if anyone could give me a copy of one they have :blink:


Sorry if I muck up - im new on here :blink:


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Sure, I can get you one of those... if you don't mind the fact that it has a venue's name smack bang in the middle of it.


Seriously though, generic ones are few and far between, and I think it sounds more professional to have a custom one anyway. Just get someone with a nice voice to record one, perhaps pitch shift it down a little bit, and there you go



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Script one yourself and get some local talent to record it for you. Lots depend on the venue as whether RP is a good style or a more regional style. You could (almost should) get it customised to your venue, maybe get one customised to each show at the venue. Some voices take Fx better than others sometimes a lower voice is accorded more gravitas, some voices need to be filled out with some reverb. Excessive Fx will spoil the intelligability especially for the hearing impaired. As age related hearing loss rolls off from the top, too high a voice will be lost completely on older punters, they just will not hear it.
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Got to say, a mic has always worked for me. There's often that necessity (particularly in lower end dance schools and the like) to throw in the odd "Tonight's performance is sponsored by.........." Or "Photography and filming are not permitted, however the official DVD of the performance is available from the Dance School".

there is a line as to how far I'll go before I hand the mic to one of the dance school staff. I'll agree, it's nice to have the venue name in there, and once you start doing afternoon and morning performances, you need far more recorded versions (unless you get clever with a series of "building blocks" that can be strung together to make various combinations) than it's really worth bothering with.

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A voice artist auditioned at voice123.com will get you a proper, well recorded set of announcements, with a voice that normally graces feature film trailers, adverts or whatever.


The remarkable thing is you will get offers from under $10 to over $1000 for the same thing, and the price is no indication of "quality".


No connection blah blah blah other than as a very satisfied customer.

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I do all my pre-show announcements live in Welsh and English. Pre-recorded announcements sometimes sound too mechanical. I now a few good engineers though who won't even pick up a mic though, so its all down to whether your ok about doing it live.
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My school just do a live announcement. Since the mics are usually being used right from the beginning of the play, it's one less piece of kit to be fiddling with at the beginning of a performance and one less thing to worry about.
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Here's ours:


"Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this performance by Normanhurst Uniting Church Musical Society. At this time we would like to remind you that the recording of the performance using video, audio or photographic means is strictly prohibited. As a courtesy to the performers and to other patrons, we also ask that you switch off your mobile phone whilst in the auditorium. Thank you and enjoy the show."


I asked a friend who is an ex radio announcer to record it for me. As said by others, record a number of voices so that you have a choice. You could also try local drama college, your community radio station etc for talent.


I personally favour the pre-recorded announcement. I just treat it as another sound effect.



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I used to do ours live on the ship. The Americans love a British accent, and I used to do elocution so can turn on the "BBC English" as required...


Here it's more traditional for the FOH Manager to walk onstage and deliver it live, in person. People pay more attention to an actual human they can see.

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The comedy club I used to work for had a much more informal announcement - it included the phrase "get the drinks in now." However, it was pre-recorded onto a Minidisk player (as we used Minidisk for play on / play off anyway) so it wasn't any more work.
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Just a warning, if you're going to do it live, make sure you remember the name of the show.


I've heard one show before where someones just done it live / not written it down beforehand and then got to "Welcome to this evenings performance of ..... er.....". Got a laugh at least!


I usually knock something out beforehand and type it into my laptop ( would have no chance if I had handwritten it!) and then read it from there live and try to do it in a cheery voice which isn't mindnumbingly dull so the audience doesn't fall asleep before the show starts!

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Ah - memory. Actually, for me writing's a problem too. I was compering a show a few years ago, and at the last minute there was a change to the running order. I wrote it on my hand in biro. Walked out on stage, said "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome ..." had a bit of a mental block, looked at my hand and saw a blue sweat blurred mess - made some unintelligible grunt and sneaked off to glares from the turn!
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Just a warning, if you're going to do it live, make sure you remember the name of the show.


I've heard one show before where someones just done it live / not written it down beforehand and then got to "Welcome to this evenings performance of ..... er.....". Got a laugh at least!


I used to work in a venue where we did all our announcements to the foyer live (house open, 5 minutes til start etc etc) - usually no problem except for the fact that the paging mic was on a steeldeck platform, so my helpful colleagues used to shake the platform while I was up there doing announcements. Then there was the evening when we had a production of The Sound of Music in; one of the others was doing the announcements that night, forgot the name of the show and proceeded to call it The Sound of Nuns.....

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