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End of an Era. Philips discontinues all Strand Luminaires


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Now This is a shocking revalation and seems to have come from nowhere.

I understood strand was to continue with the Quartet ranges and start to re vamp the other designs and maybe come up with new ones and improving the control systems.


Now not wishing to fall out with others of the group every single selecon lantern I have used is dire, akward, breakable and inconsistant in its performance and been nightmares to service and need far more attention than the equivilant strand items. and not particulary robust and have smaller lenses and being round take up loads of space on the bar for minimal lense size and light output.


Only down side to codas is the annoying breaking down of the lamp bases (though not that often on the mk 2's)


Even source 4's Have reflector issues I know , I have several which have lost the reflector coating all over the lamp and housing (so much fun to clean up).


So what are the options now.


The CCT Minuettes can replace the Minim / Quartet F's (though not as good as the quartet) though the barndoors are somewhat pants.


The Minuette Pc's dont work as well as the Quartet Pc's


Pulsar lanterns seem a little Breakable & Inconsistant.


So What Are The Options I Ask Once Again


(pray loads of strand kit comes up on evilbay and buy it Old patt 123's/ 743 etc & Newer (Prelude/Quartet/ Cantata etc I Suppose)


Suggestions Welcome



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The option is to use the Selecon kit, which, IMO, you're wrong about. The Acclaims, for example, are a superb drop-in replacement for the Quartets, and better in almost every way.



The Only Trouble is I have been using the acclaims recently in assorted venues and the troubles are like I said the shape takes up valuable space on the bars, barn doors are a nightmare to get in and out along with the gel frame and the lense is smaller than the quartets so where I need the spread im not getting it, im having to dig out and fix prelude, quartet and patten lanterns and the acclaims even with 650w lamps are somewhat lacking in output. its insane and definatly sends me in to the direction of evil bay or fixing up loads of old stock.


Strange with the SL's ive never had one die on me am I just the lucky one???


Am I the only tech not to have issues with SL's but have major issues with Selecon?????


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Am I the only tech not to have issues with SL's but have major issues with Selecon?
Judging by the history of comment here, and personal experience; yes. A round lantern taking up more room? That makes no sense at all!
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The option is to use the Selecon kit, which, IMO, you're wrong about. The Acclaims, for example, are a superb drop-in replacement for the Quartets, and better in almost every way.

The Only Trouble is I have been using the acclaims recently in assorted venues and the troubles are like I said the shape takes up valuable space on the bars, barn doors are a nightmare to get in and out along with the gel frame and the lense is smaller than the quartets so where I need the spread im not getting it, im having to dig out and fix prelude, quartet and patten lanterns and the acclaims even with 650w lamps are somewhat lacking in output.


Strange with the SL's ive never had one die on me am I just the lucky one???


Am I the only tech not to have issues with SL's but have major issues with Selecon?????



Acclaims are brilliant, I have what I guess is V1 with 2 different styles of barn doors and yes one is a little more annoying, the circle ones not the square base ones that have a circle on them to rotate them. But overall a nice lantern. Now if you want nasty barndoors CCT ones are FACT.

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I have some Cantata F's and profiles in my stock and although of course the output is no match to the selecons or S4's, I still have a fond regard for the lanterns. I first used Cantata profiles at drama school about 13 years ago and was amazed by the beam spread and the easy handling.


Hated Minims and SL's!!! Evil things.


Even now, I still love the output from P223's or 743's. Something about the "feel" of the light.


The Selecon pacifics are great profiles. I absoulutly love them and am hoping to purchase 8 this year, although we will first be getting a batch of scrollers to add to the auxillary kit so I suspect extra funds wont be available. Pity

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The Selecon pacifics are great profiles.

I've not used a better profile than a Pacific.


Older Selecon stuff had annoyances, but the current production is very nice kit indeed, and the current 650W Acclaim is one hell of a lantern, and has largely replaced 1K use for me.

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Am I the only tech not to have issues with SL's but have major issues with Selecon?
Judging by the history of comment here, and personal experience; yes. A round lantern taking up more room? That makes no sense at all!




I see your point but Its because the diameter of the selecons is more than the quartet and they are longer hth


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I have some Cantata F's and profiles in my stock and although of course the output is no match to the selecons or S4's, I still have a fond regard for the lanterns. I first used Cantata profiles at drama school about 13 years ago and was amazed by the beam spread and the easy handling.


Hated Minims and SL's!!! Evil things.


Even now, I still love the output from P223's or 743's. Something about the "feel" of the light.


The Selecon pacifics are great profiles. I absoulutly love them and am hoping to purchase 8 this year, although we will first be getting a batch of scrollers to add to the auxillary kit so I suspect extra funds wont be available. Pity


I Found out many years ago when stage stopped hiring the 743's that we were in trouble for one of the venues I always worked in, the lense on the cantata's was a little lacking along with the light output compared with them.


We carried on with the cantatas then the place closed when the management of the time decided the structure was "unsafe"


Strangely the new owners have bought and rigged 743 where they always used to go.


Odd how things come around :D

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fix prelude, quartet and patten lanterns and the acclaims even with 650w lamps are somewhat lacking in output.

Having recently replaced strand preludes for acclaim profiles I feel your doing something wrong,the acclaims with identical lamps pee all over the preludes for the amount of light they give out,infact they almost give the cantatas a run for there money.

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Oh god - totally, hippy!!


The Acclaims are , I think , the best little fresnel out there on the market for the output, size and even mostly biuld quality.


Do a shoot out against a prelude F and it will indeed get "pissed on"


I replaced my washes on stage that were being done by starlette F's - with acclaims, and dispite the 350W difference in lamp , the stage is much brighter and cleaner light.


Only niggle is yes , BD's and frame a bit arkward to get in , particually with one hand!! - but a small price to pay for such a good workhorse!!

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The main niggle that I have with the Acclaims (Fresnels) is the fact that it's very difficult to adjust the beam size with out popping the lamps. The adjustment is VERY jerky-I know this isn't simply a bad batch as I have encountered the same issue in three totally different venues. I also know it's not me as I know of a lot of other techs who have this issue- Other than that minor niggle they are brilliant. I actually prefer there floods to the codas.



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The main niggle that I have with the Acclaims (Fresnels) is the fact that it's very difficult to adjust the beam size with out popping the lamps. The adjustment is VERY jerky-I know this isn't simply a bad batch as I have encountered the same issue in three totally different venues. I also know it's not me as I know of a lot of other techs who have this issue- Other than that minor niggle they are brilliant. I actually prefer there floods to the codas.




Been there and done that too many times to remember. Now, I always free up all the lamp slides whilst the lanterns are still cold. Luckily, the largest of my venues only has 24 to deal with, so it doesn't take too long.

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Even now, I still love the output from P223's or 743's. Something about the "feel" of the light.


I don't think thats an uncommon sentiment! I've still got 20 odd 223s that soldier on, and I come across designers all the time who love them.


Been there and done that too many times to remember. Now, I always free up all the lamp slides whilst the lanterns are still cold. Luckily, the largest of my venues only has 24 to deal with, so it doesn't take too long.


That sounds like nothing to the batch of Quartets we received that you had to use a screw driver to pry the washer under the focus knob off to get it to move at all. Strangely the earlier batch worked fine without a washer, so the solution was easy!


Still interesting that after a few replies from a Strand representative, a request for a clear statement on SL spares in the UK was not forthcoming......


Oh well stage retirement and cannibalisation it will have to be!



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Even now, I still love the output from P223's or 743's. Something about the "feel" of the light.

I cant find any for hire in my part of the world; nearest are in wellington :D





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I actually prefer there [sic] floods to the codas.


Just in case you hadn't seen the posting; Selecon are redesigning their floods, and welcome Blue Room member comments and suggestions, see here.

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