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fire refuge secure comms


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We have one designated fire refuge on the first floor of our theatre building. We need a secure comms system between the main doors and the refuge. I can only find a 5 way system designed for this purpose which is an overkill. Can anyone recommend equipment suitable for a single point to point link for this purpose?


Rob Thirlby

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I suspect that it'll have to be something more sophisticated (or simpler, depending on your point of view!) than that. The ones we have at work are simply wall panels, with a large "call" button, and a built-in mic/speaker. Hard-wired to security office. Instructions in large print and braille. I guess they'll have battery back-up as well.


I would suspect that they would have to comply with aspects of BS5588 as well.


But as I say, that's just guessing!

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Not only battery backed but may also have to be cabled in pyro fire-resistant cabling if it is being used for this purpose (BS5588 which Bruce referred to), tread carefully. The companies who install such systems may be able to help further.



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Should I now be concerned that all the other buildings I've been in where I've noticed fire refuge points, generally marked up for disabled people, have simply had a sign on the wall saying wait here and the fire brigade will check here first, or words to that effect. Or is this a new regulation they might not need to comply with yet?
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