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Zero 88 Orb


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I definately saw a few of you at PLASA... Thanks for popping along and taking a look at the Orb, as well as the Jester TL. PLASA was great for us, and it was fantastic to meet so many BR members and put faces to names.


As always we'd be interested in hearing peoples feedback about the products - we're taking on board a lot of the feedback we've already had (those of you visiting the stand would've seen the 1000 palettes in action, amongst other things) but are always happy to hear more.


Thanks again to everyone who made the treck into Earls Court 2!




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Peter, can you now reveal the list price?

The ORB will list at £4500+vat.

Didn't manage to make it to PLASA - the small matter of a tour got in the way - but if you're passing Mold with a desk in the boot of the car, Peter, come and knock on the door ...

Will do - I'll PM you and sort something out.

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  • 1 month later...
I definately saw a few of you at PLASA... Thanks for popping along and taking a look at the Orb, as well as the Jester TL. PLASA was great for us, and it was fantastic to meet so many BR members and put faces to names.


I was the guys who hapred on about the MA in your first computers vs consoles debate, then walked out after half an hour.. had to be somewhere. Good talk though. And the Orb was impressive.

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Hi Does anyone know when this desk will be avalible to purchase ?

Hi Jimbob


Following some of the feedback recieved at the preview events at PLASA, ABTT and LDI, we are working on a redesigned ORB... this will be shown early into 2009 with a view to it being available in the Spring. Watch this space!


Hope this answers your question,




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Call me Picky but why when I go to the Zero 88 site can I not Find the ORB desk. The only linkl to it appears to be on this forum in this thread.


There is Nothing in the Zero site under Desks and even when you go to the Cooper Site I can not find "ORB" as a Site but Zero is there


Is there some Marketing web site differentation going on here bBut it is not obvious


Probably Peter has a Good answer

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The answer to that is simple - the products listed on our main website are the products we're currently in production with. For this reason we also don't list the Jester TL, which was also shown at PLASA. Both products will be added to the main website when they enter production (the Jester TL and TLXtra very shortly).


The ORB website is intended as a mini-site to give interested parties information on the development and launch of the product. The ORB website is also listed in a news article on the Zero 88 site and in the Zero 88 forum. We have also recently launched a Mini-Site to coincide with a special offer for the Leap Frog 48 (www.leapfrogdesk.com).


The reason you won't find product specific information on the Cooper sites is that Cooper own literally hundreds of brands, each of whom may have hundreds of products. Individual brand websites cater for the product specific information, whilst the Cooper sites detail the brands available.


I hope this clears things up,





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  • 3 months later...

Just thought I'd pop a note into this thread to let people know that we've now re-launched the ORB website. As a result of the previews at ABTT and PLASA, we've put the desk through a fairly major redesign. We've taken on board a lot of the feedback generated through feedback forms at the trade shows together with this topic to put together what we think are major improvements on the desk. The desk now features an internal power supply, brand new control wheels, internal trackball and multiple playback stacks (which can operate as submasters if required). Please feel free to take a look at www.orbdesk.com to see the changes.


Many thanks to everyone for their input on the desk - your feedback was invaluable in the development process and has resulted in a better product for everyone.






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  • 2 months later...
I know this desk is new out but does anyone know where I can Hire one ?

Your best bet may be to contact Zero 88 directly and I'm sure they can sort you out. Peter will be along shortly I expect and he'll be more than willing to help you out!

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I heard a rumour that Zero88 might be offering a 'trade-in'/'part-exchange' on Frog 2's for Orbs. Any grain of truth to this?

This is indeed the truth - we're also interested in taking part-exchange deals on other theatre desks too. Drop me an email (peter.kirkup@cooperindustries.com) if you're interested.


I know this desk is new out but does anyone know where I can Hire one ?

Where in the UK are you? A number of hire companies are taking stock of the desks over the next few months. As with any hire kit, the companies will take-on a product once there is sufficient interest to hire it out - if you have a favorite local company, ask them - they might well consider buying one.


We will have the ORB at ABTT this week, so if anyone wants to take a look, do pop along.





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